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Editor Jo Godfrey Wood
Designer: Peggy Sadler
Review Copy of this book provide by Karen @ MM Publicity
Werewolves by Jon Izzard is a non-fiction reference novel on the what-else, well the werewolf. From the back: Half monser, half tragic hero, the wolf-man has stormed acros movie screens for years, howling in pursuit of his prey. But modern werewolves are complex creatures, as likely to shed a lonely tear as someone else's blood.
More of a vampire junkee than a werewolf fan - I have just found myself getting more and more into all things furry. This book helped expand my furry fanaticism by giving me a more intense look at exactly what lay behind the lore of werewolves - and not just what Laurell K. and Meyer relate about the Children of the Moon.
Werewolves introduces readers to many known and relatively obscure shape-shifters. The story of the Kitsune or the Japanese fox shifter is one of my favorite tales. It also goes into descriptions of feral children raised by wolves, Wolfitis (hypertrichosis) and then on to Pop Wolfies - anyone remember Michael J. Fox's furry basketball game???
Like its companion, Vampires, I was very impressed with the design and content of werewolves. Werewolves is designed in the same style as Vampires, and the use of imagery is very compelling. Don't judge this book by it's cover, for I think the cover is the worst aspect of the book, even though I know why they chose that particular furry friend. The image is from An American Werewolf in London (1981), which could be said brought Werewolves back into the spotlight in our modern culture.
Here is one of my fav spreads from the book, The Alpha Female...Grrrrrr
Just like in Vampires, the writing of Mr. Izzard is informative and compelling. Topics are touched upon quickly, without dragging you down with useless facts and explanations that show-off the author’s vast knowledge. Since my knowledge of werewolves needs a lot of expanded I was constantly being surprised at how vast werewolves are immersed in our society.
I recommend this book to anyone with an interest in the furry.
If you are interested in winning this book, along with it’s companion Vampires. Visit the Blog with Bite website and enter to win! Click here to win this book!

I'm more of a vampire girl myself. They really aren't very pretty are they. I'd cringe whenever George on Being Human transformed. Sounds interesting so I'll keep an eye out. Sadly the Book Fairy has yet to pay me a visit so I have to rely on the library.
I am all about the werewolf, though I do like vamps..lol I really really want this book and you made it sounds even better!!!
That is so cool, I just saw that female pic yesterday when bf was going through new wallpapers for the computer (Halloween).
Nice book
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