I was a little too young to remember the ill-fated 80s version of the series but my husband, who is a little longer in the tooth had enough memory of it to have mixed emotions on this remake. Yet, after countless bombardment of psychological marketing by ABC he was won over and watched it with little complaint with me last night.
Neither one of us was disappointed.
The show covers the topic of alien visitors that come to our planet in the hopes of recharging and replenishing some minerals. Yet, the show hints at these aliens, referred to as the Visitors, are not on the up and up. There is a bit of creepy, a lot of action, and the hint of forbidden lusting - between alien - human and more humans. Check it out if you didn't watch the pilot. Sure to entertain the lovers of scifi.
Also there are a few stars that had me sitting up and paying attention. Hello head alien - that would be Inara from Firefly. She looks very different, where did that neck come from, I must have missed it under all the hair. Also, another Firefly cast member has a part, Alan Tudyk - I won't tell you his part, because it might be a spoiler. I also don't think his role is that major in this series, which is such a shame, because I thought he was a good actor. All these bit parts in other series has me hoping that one day he can land some kind of long standing roll.

I grew up watching V. And Scifi is now replaying all the old episodes too. You realize just how horrible 80's TV was then!!! I thought it was great. Kind of like Battlestar Gallactica, still the same premise but juiced up!
I do remember the original V. I really liked that mini series.
I do have to say the show last night really caught my attention. It was fast moving and I like that. Not a boring part to it. I will definitely be looking for it next week.
Great review too!
My husband and I were bummed that we missed this. Thanks for the recap. We'll have to check it out.
Have you been watching Flash Forward?
Great overview! I really enjoyed the premier too, and I loved seeing Alan Tudyk (especially in a show with another Firefly alum).
I totally missed it. I've been waiting for months only to make an appointment, got home earlier and got side tracked by Glee. Thanks for reviewing, I'll watch it today.
I was too young when the original came out, so I never watched it. I did watch last night and enjoyed it. I have to say I was excited to see Alan Tudyk. :)
Ah, yes! I was thrilled to see both Morena Baccarin & Alan Tudyk together on my screen again. It was a pretty fun premiere and I definitely look forward to the rest of the season.
We loved Firefly so we were thrilled to see the two actors. We liked the premiere. Very good start to what will hopefully be a fun new show!
I remember the 80's version a little bit and I watched a few episodes on Syfy to refresh my memory...I thought the first episode was a bit boring..though the second ep. looks more promising. My only problem is I am a NCIS fan and its on at the same time. :( So will have to either catch it on reruns or the good ole internet if I want to continue watching it.
Is that Juliet from lost?
V is awesome! I watched this season and it only gets better. The hype was completely appropriate. I have a crush on one of the Vs but I don't want to spoil any plots so I won't mention his name. ;)
I missed it :( I did watch the original as a kiddo...hopefully this makes it's way on Netflix.
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