Max, is one of the toughest heroines I have run into in a long time. Look-up tough as nails chick in the dictionary and next to it will be Max. In a drinking palooza with her college roommate Max made a life-changing decision. Give up her humanity for eternal life and eternal servitude to a witch. Embrace power like no other, superior strength, senses and the ability to heal quickly - and all you give in return is your freedom. Bound to a witch named Giselle, Max is forced by magic compulsions to do her bidding, from investigating signs of magic, to killing people for her.
As Max is sent to investigate a murder that is about to take place, she stumbles upon something much bigger than she expected. Her world is about to be torn asunder and plunged into war - and now all that she has known and everything she has believed is about to change.
This novel is a fresh take on urban fantasy. A fresh look at the world of witches and their familiars. I highly recommend this book to urban fantasy lovers who like a lot of action - with just a smidgen of lusty thoughts. The tone is very similar to Patricia Brigg's Mercy Thomas series - except Max is in control instead of lost in a world of overly aggressive and take-charge men. When I grow up, I want to be Max. Unfortunately I would look really bad as a blond.
Stuffed full of blood and gore, nothing explicit though, Bitter Night is one of the best books I have read in awhile.
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Author Profile:
Diana Pharaoh Francis has written the fantasy novel trilogy that includes Path of Fate, Path of Honor and Path of Blood. Path of Fate was nominated for the Mary Roberts Rinehart Award. Her latest series is The Crosspointe Chronicles. They include The Cipher and The Black Ship. Her next book, The Turning Tide, will be available in May of 2009. Diana teaches at the University of Montana Western. For a lot more information including where to go to read her blog, maps of her worlds, updated news, and other odd and fun tidbits, go to

Sounds like a great read!
Looks really interesting!
Glad you liked it. I had a few issues that I noted in my review, but I'm still looking forward to the next Horngate Witches book
This book does sound good. I am going to have to think on this one being added to the list. I am not sure yet but it does sound as there is a lot of action to it.
I love urban fantasy that isn't all about werewolves and vampires. Bring on the witches and their familiars. :D
Have you read The Autumn Castle or Giants of the Frost by Kim Wilkins?
That looks like a pretty ass kicking book!
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