The story is so well-written and gripping it had me believing that this was possible and in fact could be on the verge of happening. I actually shed tears throughout this novel and read it so quickly that I surprised myself. If I wouldn’t have had a birthday party for an aunt this weekend, I would have finished it in a day – I tried smuggling it in my purse to maybe read there – but it was a no-go.
The Hunger Games is a depiction of life in the near future where the former North American continent is ruled by an unforgiving society that holds its surrounding districts in contempt with a chokehold grip. The story follows Katniss, a citizen of District 12, the poorest district in Panem. Katniss has one mission in life and that is to provide for her family. If she doesn’t bring home food, they will starve.
The Capitol, the ruling body of Panem has other things in mind for the children of the districts - it is called The Hunger Games. Each year there is a reaping, 2 children ages 12 - 18 are taken from each district, a boy and a girl - they are forced to fight to the death in a reality tv type environment.
This story is gruesome, touching, thought name it's got it. I was so entrenched in the story that I stayed up way past my bedtime finishing it and then moving on to Catching Fire, which is Book Two. I'm thinking about reviewing Book Two, but just the description would give away spoilers that would affect the reading of The Hunger Games. Let's just say book two is one of those rare sequels that surpasses the first. I was sobbing...sobbing throughout half the book!
I have been reading a lot of phenomenal books lately and have been loving every minute of it! My hat goes off to Ms. Collins - remarkable job. I'm hooked and am in desperate need for even a synopsis on the third book!
I've posted the two covers - UK & US - as a first I like the US version better.
According to the Hollywood Reporter, Lionsgate bought distribution rights to the The Hunger Games, and word is it will be produced by Nina Jacobsen (Diary of a Wimpy Kid) and her Color Force production company. Word on wiki is that Collins (who is a former tv writer) will be screenwriting and release date is set for 2011.

I loved this book too. Have you read Catching Fire...its book 2 in the series?
This book is just awesome, loved it
I've heard so much about this book, all good. Thanks for the review. :)
I agree this book is a gripping and awesome read!
Glad you like the book. I love it too. At first I am not sure if I was coz dystopian is so not my thing but it worked. Did you hear that this will be a movie soon?
This series by far is my favorite in the YA world!! I loved reading them...I think I had serious nail damage when I finished the Hunger Games...and the "shocking twist" in CF did none to pleasant things to my thumb nails......
This book rocked my socks too. I think it may be one of my all time favorites... I read the 2nd book in less than a day too. It is almost as good as the first one =)
check my reviews and contest out at
I loved Hunger Games. Catching Fire was not quite as good, but still excellent. I hate that I have to wait a year for book 3
I have the audio book version of this on hold at the library and this just makes me that much more excited for it to arrive. Great review!
Omagosh! your KILLING me! My sister bought me Catching Fire on a whim that I would like it. and then I get bombarded with all these raving reviews about hunger games and I am just killing myself because I have the sequel staring at me point blank every time I enter my room. *grrrr* But I don't have the Hunger Games! I am on my way to get The Hunger Games right now!!!
PS: just saw your youtube vid, L-O-V-E it!
yeah! good review... now I may have to bump this one up on my TBR pile!
Very nice review. I loved the Hunger Games and I can't wait for book three!
Great review, I keep thinking should I add it to my TBR list. I have to get past the hype.
Thanks for coming over to visit.
AAARRGGGHHH!!! I have this one on my shelf but my TBR pile has been so big that I haven't gotten around to reading it yet! I'm also kind of scared that it won't live up to the hype...but I can't NOT read it! It seems like dystopian novels are becoming the thing these days, what with Hunger Games, Girl in the Arena, Gone, etc. Thanks for the review. I can't wait to read it!
Natalie @ Mindful Musings
I'll probably be the last one to read Hunger Games...and I'm dying to read it! Here in Croatia it's available in the UK version (and constantly out of stock in bookstores), but I like the US one better.
Thanks for the mouth-watering review!
I am glad you really enjoyed this book. I loved these books. They really made me think on the issues Collins has brought up. And I really felt connected to the characters, which kind of surprised me. I never thought I was getting so attached to them till almost the end of the book. Amazing writing here. I can't wait for the third book to come out.
I LOVED this book and just got the second from the library today... VERY happy to hear that it's not only as good as the first, but better :)
Great review!!
Tara SG
25 Hour Books
I loved this book as well! I agree, the second book is even better than first.
Lovely review!
Brilliant review. I am so psyched that this is going to be a movie and that THE WRITER is writing the script!
Fab review! I adore this book.
So glad it's coming to the screen! Actually I don't like either of the covers. Don't like the Catching Fire ones either...oh well. Love the content!
I havent read the first one but the second one is just as good.
My sister gave this book to me for Christmas and I'm currently reading it. I love it and plan on getting the second book ASAP. Your sobbing worries me though...
I sooo loved this book and want to read Catching Fire.
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