Gown, $4,400, Versace.
Shoes, $795, Yves Saint Laurent.
Yet, Pattinson is just in Dior... lol. Somehow I just can't imagine Bella in Versace. I'm not really a fan of Stewart - she just always looks like she is acting, instead of embracing the character. This picture is a prime example, she looks like a teen in a Halloween costume. I'm really hoping for New Moon that she took some acting lessons - and cuts out all the blinking.

Ugh. Can't stand either of them. Pattinson is not attractive. Well I can't stand Twilight period.
I want those shoes. I want that dress.
lol...Im not a big Stewart fan she acts like Twilight is annoying yet she signed on to do Bella...I think she took Bellas character down a road which isnt Bella...but Im still excited for New Moon..;D
Woah, I didn't recognize Stewart at first! And I'm normally not a big Pattinson fan, but he looks pretty good in Dior...
I can't STAND her. But that outfit, fierce. She almost looks..nope she still looks cranky as hell.
Myself, when I saw the Twilight movie, I was more than annoyed. Bella was so stilted, that if New Moon is the same, I'll be so annoyed!
I really don't like her either. She seems bored and annoyed all the time. He's not what I pictured for Edward, but I will say that he tries. He read Midnight Sun and feels like he's protraying the "real" Edward... Still looking forward to New Moon!!
haha oh my, just stumbled across your blog and now I am dying laughing
"I'm really hoping for New Moon that she took some acting lessons - and cuts out all the blinking."
Love it! and of course I agree wholeheartedly, am now a follower, love the blog!
OMG! I completely agree!!! I'm not a fan of Stewart either...but at least they did something with that mullet of hers for the photos! Pattinson as always looks amazing, but he can really do the expensive stuff well...they could have put him into something a bit MORE and he would have turned out FREAKING AMAZING!!!!!
I loved these pics. I'm so ready for New Moon. Though I woke up from a dream with the proposal seen in Eclipse in my mind...
So does like like a kid playing dressup in her mums clothes...for Halloween
I LOVE this dress. Mad sexy! Totally Morticia Addams and I love it!
That's a beautiful picture.
I like your blog :)
I'm not a fan of her acting ..she looks okay in this picture but she always has the same face or expressions in all of her movies.
I am an avid believer that Stewart ruined Twilight all by herself...yeah R-Patz isnt that great looking...but he can at least act...he was better looking in Harry Potter though...Stewart can't act...she is a monotone actress, and looks bored all the time...even in that photo she looks bored...she doesn't even want to do Twilight...so kick her off the set...the only reason she got in is because she's a friend of the director...i do like that dress though :)
I saw these pics -- they look pretty good. I'm not a fan of Kristen in real life though.
oohlala! Sexy!
I'm with you about Kristin Stewart, though. I really think they could have chosen a better Bella. She has this weird smile, and I feel like she tries too hard.
WOW! That's an interesting picture that's for sure.
I'm sooo glad he got a hair cut! Twilight was hard to watch with 5 inch hair sticking up!
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