I usually don't rant - but I just had to do a rant post tonight. Every Sunday seems to be Saints party Sundays - that goes on forever because they SO ROCK! 12-0 baby. Well, living in the party lifestyle - that's me Par-T girl - you tend to meet new people. Well today I met someone that certainly has to be one of the dullest crayons in the box that I have come across in awhile.
How did I find out her IQ points probably consisted of 2 digits? Well when we go on to fav TV shows - she mentioned hers was True Blood and when I asked if she read the book she looked at me stupidly. Ok, I could see that. But when I went on to say yeah, the vamp books to movie trend, like Twilight. Another blank stare and
"Twilight was a book too? Well it figures I wouldn't know that since I haven't ever finished a book in my life." She states this like she is proud. I just never understand this, how someone can glory in the fact that they don't read.
"I don't have the time, maybe reading is something I'll do when I get old." she spoke up when the table looked at her like she was out of her mind, she's 25, the group ranges from 30 - 40 yr olds. This also always cracks me up. It is the same way with working out, reading, or doing anything else that people normally give excuses for. Time. I betcha if people cut the television off they might have 2 to 3 hours a night.
So to all you book bloggers out there. Keep up the good work, keep on reading and keep on making it a cool thing to do. As Judge Judy said, "Beauty Fades, Dumb Is Forever".

lmfao what an idiot. I heard some girls in Walmart a few months ago say the same thing about Vampire Diaries.."I didn't know it was a book" then they followed it with "It was probably written after Twilight" It took all my might not to call them idiots! LOL
People and their overall lack of interest in books or reading makes me sad. You just want to...slap them or something. Multiple times, preferably.
sad verrry sad
Love the xmasy look!
God, thank you for the judge judy quote. Absolutely hilarious and brightened my day :)
AAARGH. How did you all not throttle her?
I don't understand how some people can just not read. It's not as though there won't be something they like - there are so many different books out there.
ok so all I'm gonna say is I understand...I can tell ya about some dull crayons too LOL!
Oh and go SAINTS!
Amen sister!
Love the pic too!
You know for me, I always feel a bit bad for people that don't read. I get this feel inside that sorta says, "Poor thing...she doesn't know what she's missing."
I LOVE your Christmas avy!
"Maybe reading is something I'll do when I get old"????????
I'm always weirded out by people who are proud that they've never finished a book. I appreciate that not everyone is a voracious reader and that reading might not be such a top priority for others as it is for me and for the people I know, but admitting to not having any interest in gathering new information or learning new things and expecting people to be proud of you or encourage you in that is just sad. Sad sad sad.
What an idiot. How sad. I can't imagine not reading, and being proud of it? Crazy.
We just had a similar experience with a woman in her 20's. We were with my aunt. She is a voracious reader too and when we get together, we talk a lot about books. THis woman kept changing the subject (back to herself and her favorite reality TV shows) because she "just doesnt' read at all. Books just aren't my thing." So we're just thinking, "okay, you're an idiot," and then it got even better.
We ignored her and kept talking about books and the name William Shakespeare came up. Ever heard of him? Well, this woman hadn't. No kidding. She said "Who's Shakespeare?" We thought she was kidding and then she got all snarky and said, "Don't act like your better than me."
I feel for you, Rach. There's a lot of them out there, just sorry you had to find one. At least we have this great blogosphere of booklovers to connect with!
Though I can't understand that people do not like to read because I love it, this is something that I have to accept but.. not knowing that True Blood and Twilight were book and then serie/movies is like living out of this world!
i hate idiots!!
love the Christmas changes by the way so cute ;)
"Twilight was a book too" lmao, I can only laugh at ridiculous comments like that. And at 25 to say I haven't finished a book - Are you Serious.
I'm sure you had another drink after that discussion.
Girls like that annoy me to no end, and are the reason, I'm assuming, that people are so surprised when they find out how much I read. And that I LIKE to read. Well, LOVE to read, but that might confuse them just a little too much.
What world would you have to be living in to not know about the Twilight books?
ok, and seriously, Shakespeare? How much Shakespeare have I at least talked about in school if not read????
That poor, misguided girl. She has no clue that she's missing out on great stuff. Oh well! Her loss ;P Thanks for stopping by my site :)
I just wish I could FEED books DOWN THEIR THROAT to people who don't read (like my family for instance...But at least they know what a book is and what shows come from a book)
Goodness gracious.
Oh man did she live under a rock LOL! that is bad. Great blog hon! Keep up the great work! :) And educating the poor unfortunate people who are not in touch with the world lol.
I read this when you first posted it at work, but am unable to comment on the computers there. I found this post hilarious and it totally brightened up my night! :)
How sad - even I felt like smacking her a good one..
Oh my gosh... that is so sad. How did she get through school if she has never finished a book? The picture you used suits her personality perfectly.
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