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Dystopian Challenge @ Parajunkee's View

Dystopian Fiction Reading Challenge 2010

I've placed this challenge upon myself, so I decided to share it with the blogoverse. I enjoyed books such as The Hunger Games and Uglies so much that I planned on revisiting them this year, along with others in this category for comparison purposes.  Therefor why not a challenge? First one that I am hosting. The challenge with end Aug 24th, in tribute to the release of the 3rd Hunger Games book.  Participants in this challenge will be entered to win the 3rd book in a random drawing.

dys·to·pi·a (dĭs-tō'pē-ə)
  1. An imaginary place or state in which the condition of life is extremely bad, as from deprivation, oppression, or terror.
American Psychological Association (APA):
dystopia. (n.d.). The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Retrieved January 28, 2010, from website:

Dystopian Fiction in it's basic state is described as the opposite of Utopian fiction, but that is almost  too simplistic a term to describe the genre.

Here are features of Dystopian Fiction: 
  • Post-apocalyptic setting,  usually there is the background story of natural disaster, revolutions, war, climate change, some kind of devastating event that changed society
  • Dystopians are normally future based 
  • A difference in the standard of living than what we enjoy in today's society.  This can be a poorer standard of living, as in The Hunger Games, or sometimes a more materialistic environment, like such in Brave New World and Uglies.
  • The main character questions society, or is exposed to the baser ideals of their society within the plot, leading them to the knowledge that something is terribly wrong with their world.
  • There is usually a group/revolution occurring within the novel that the controlling state does not have control over that the protagonist teams up with or strives to join/become like, although nothing is being changed by the character or group.  In Brave New World, this group is comprised of the people on the reservation.
  • Dystopian fiction typically elaborates on the darker society trends that effect us today.  Usually the reader can identify things within our own society that could lead to this future terrible state.
  • Within the plot of a dystopian fiction, the protagonist usually will try to escape or bring down the society that restricts them
Get your Dystopian Fiction Reading on!

Time Constraints:
Jan 1 2010 to Aug 24 2010


  1. Open to everyone (if you do not have a blog, just state in the comments section that you read the book and on what date)
  2. Any book format - Wiki list of dystopian lit
  3. Books can be chosen throughout the year, but must have been read within the timeline.  Just because your read Fahrenheit 451 in 7th grade doesn't mean it counts.
  4. Sign-up below with Mr. Linky
  5. Post your reviews in the comments area
  6. Three Levels:
  • Level 1 - Experimental - 5 books
  • Level 2 - Addict - 10 books
  • Level 3 - Junkee - 20 books
The Hunger Games: Book 3Level 3 participants will get a dystopian button with their blog or name on it and entry into a contest to win The Hunger Games: Book 3.

This is on your honor, so please play nice!



ninefly said...

I'm definitely joining this! and may I say these buttons are very pretty =D

Anonymous said...

How do you have time for all this coolness???
Im signing up...this genre is one of my favs!!!!

Tales of Whimsy said...

SWEET! I'm signing up!

PeaceLove&Pat said...

this sounds awesome but I'm still thinking if I'm up for it... hmmm...

Lindsay Frost said...

I would like to sign-up for this but I don't see the Mr. Linky. Can I still sign-up for it??

Emily said...

Great idea- I'm totally in! I'm not seeing Mr. Linky though...

Unknown said...

Count me in! LOVE dystopian lit.


im in great way to lower my tbr pile :)

Trini said...

I hope I'm doing this right. Here are three reviews from my Dystopia reading list.
#1. The Hunger Games Review:http://abook-
#2. Catching Fire Review:
#3. Brave New World Review:
I'm ordering the whole Uglies Series today and will start on them ASAP. I'm about to start The Maze Runner and have heard lots of good things about it so I hope it's good.

Misty said...

Hey. I oopsed, and I think I am going to be on your linky list twice, so delete the first one, please. I don't know exactly how many I am going to be able to read, but I am aiming for Junkee, cause I love me some dystopian.
Two questions:
Why August? Why not make it the whole year? Just because of HG3?
Also, have you read Oryx and Crake? If not, PUT IT ON YOUR LIST!!!

ParaJunkee said...

@Misty ending it August just cause of HG3 - thought I would spice it up with an HG3 giveaway to make things more interesting, and if I extended it until December might lose the momentum, since people joining this challenge are probably big dystopian fans and when you think dystopian in 2009 you think HG. Hmmm...rambling. Does that make sense?

@Trini yes you are doing it right. I want to read Maze Runner so bad. Heard excellent things about it, have you seen the trailer...ack!

Jessica B said...

Count me in!!!!!

Trini said...

Here's number four review.
#4 The Maze Runner
I'm going to read The Giver by Lois Lowry next probably by this weekend.

Trini @A Book-Lovers' Review

jenn said...

I am completely in love with this challenge. Thank you!

Tales of Whimsy said...

Here is my 1st review: Animal Farm

Anonymous said...

My first Review Skinned

Anonymous said...

Second Review: Girl in the Arena

Rachael(BookLove:Teen) said...

first review: The Forest of Hands and Teeth

Stiletto Storytime said...

Review for The Sky Inside and The Walls Have Eyes at Stiletto Storytime:

Stiletto Storytime

Baggins said...

Count me in! Looking forward to it.

This is my first challenge ever, so this may be a silly question - but does a series count as one, or does each book count seperately? Say the Obernewtyn Chronicles - as one, or as 5 because there's 5 books in the series so far?

Thanks for your time and help - and for running this challenge!


Rachael(BookLove:Teen) said...

Second review:The Shadow Speaker woot two down already! I love this Challenge!

ck.twilighter (Chasity) said...

OMG!!! this contest is awesome!! Only recently have I been turned on to this genre. I am in love with The Hunger Games.... and I just read Girl in the Arena by Lise Haines..... EXCELLENT as well!!!

I want to try this contest but first I am going to see if I can make a list of 20 books in the genre that I really want to read!!--I love to have romance as a big element so I will see what I can find!!=)

Mrs. DeRaps said...

My first review: Incarceron by Catherine Fisher can be found at

On to another title!

Misty said...

You should do a Mr Linky page for reviews. (no pressure, just saying. ;p)

WonderBunny said...

I'm just joining. I have a few books already on my TBR stack so I hopefully I can find a bunch more to add.

The Gnomadic Librarian said...

Hello! Hope i'm not too late to join in? I'm pretty new to blogging and i'm still finding my feet so to speak. I've lined up quite a few more dystopian novels for my Blog reading challenges, so I'm aiming for Junkee level! This is gonna be fun!

Rachael(BookLove:Teen) said...

Third review! I'm a total junkie...Feed by M.T. Anderson(audio)

Mariana S said...

This is awesome, and I dont know how could I not see it sooner. I have two questions, can I still join? and the second, book 2 or 3 in a series count? (like Catching Fire)

Kelsey said...

Just making sure: Epitaph Road is a dyptopian book, correct?


Lindsay Frost said...

Here is my first review,

The Gnomadic Librarian said...

O.k. Time to post a review!
Noughts and Crosses:

Lots more soon...

MissHavoc said...

Woo Hoo my first review!
Lots more coming soon...

MissHavoc said...

oh yea, forgot one...hehe

The Gnomadic Librarian said...

Three more reviews done!

The Gnomadic Librarian said...

I've just realised that these three reviews may or may not count!

I reviewed Charlie Higson's The Enemy on Jan 1st:

Mary E. Pearson's The Adoration of Jenna Fox:

Saci Lloyds Carbon Diaries 2015:

Tara Martin said...

First Review: The Hunger Games

MissHavoc said...

review for Birthmarked

Andria said...

I'd like to participate! Not sure how many I'll get through, but it sounds fun!

Andria said...

My reviews so far:




The Host

Inside Out

The Forest of Hands and Teeth


WonderBunny said...

My first review for this challenge (signed up under Ruthann)

The Children of Men by PD James

Anonymous said...

Hey (",), I'd like to participate as a Junkee!

Here's the list of books I'll be reading and reviewing: (I did a little research, and that's what I came up with, so hopefully everything does in fact count as Dystopian Fiction)

Here's my first review of Hunger Games and Catching Fire:

Happy Easter xx

Anonymous said...

LoL, linked to a post instead of simply to my blog, please remove the first link, but keep the second (",).

The Gnomadic Librarian said...

...and now for some Dystopian mini-reviews, for sequels I read whilst laid up with a cold:
Knife Edge and Checkmate by Malorie Blackman, The Resistance by Gemma Malley, Gool by Maurice Gee and Carbon Diaries 2017 by Saci Lloyd:

Trini said...

OMG I just noticed that the first three books I posted on here are from 2009. I'm sorry just ignore them I have more anyway..YA!!
Ok since the first three don't count but my #4 does which is The Maze Runner it is now my #1 entry. I hope I make since. Well here are two more of my entries.
#2 The Line by Teri Hall
#3 The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
Im working on my review for The Dead-Toss Waves right now and will post it tomorrow.

Tales of Whimsy said...

Oh dear! I don't think I can complete this. Can I withdraw my name?

Cinnamon said...

Flipping awesome challenge!

My review of Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder.

Does that count?

Tara Martin said...

Second review, Catching Fire:

Melissa @ Mel's Books and Info said...

Here are my first four reviews:

1. Incarceron by Catherine Fisher

2. Maze Runner by James Dashner

3. Fever Crumb by Philip Reeve

4. Dead Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan

Question: Would This World We Live In by Susan Beth Pfeffer count? Natural disaster, struggle for food, elite communities cropping up, etc....

WonderBunny said...

(just noticed I signed up as Ruthann, so WonderBunny=Ruthann)

I read a dystopian graphic novel that is part of a series. I don't think the first half of the series was really dystopian, but it is turning more towards that. Anyway, here is my review for Y: The Last Man - Girl on Girl by Brian K. Vaughan.

Andria said...

The Dead-Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan. Oh my goodness! LOVE!

The Gnomadic Librarian said...

Couple of new reviews done!

The Road by Cormac McCarthy:

A Small Free Kiss in the Dark by Glenda Millard:

Tara Martin said...

Third review, The Forest of Hands and Teeth

Rachael(BookLove:Teen) said...

Fourth Review:
I'm behind! Good thing I have a nice pile of dystopian titles standing by.

Kelsey said...

1st Review: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.

WonderBunny said...

Third book - Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins.

Anonymous said...

Here's my review of The Adoration of Jenna Fox, which is a brilliant novel :)

Leeswammes said...

Hello, I joined a little late, but I've read a few dystopian novels already this year. They're not all on my blog, I'll start with the one that is:

book 1 - The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Leeswammes said...

I'm joining rather late, but I have already read some dystopian novels this year. One is on my blog, the others I read before I had a blog.

Book 1: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins (finished April 22, 2010)

Book 2: The Stand by Stephen King (Finished January, 30th, 2010)

A great adventure in which most of humanity died because of a virus. The survivors are called to one of two places, in their dreams. One is the place of Mother Abigail, the "good" person, the other is the place of Randall Flagg, the "bad" person. This is going to be a fight between good and bad. Guess who wins?

Book 3: The Carhullan Army by Sarah Hall (Finished April 6th, 2010)

In the book, the diary of an unknown woman is reproduced. She lives in England, where after an economic crisis and the fall of the government, a strict Authority rules. People are not allowed to leave town or have babies, and live in cramped circumstances in a dirty, depressing town.
The woman decides to leave her husband and try and move to a community of women that are living illegally in the hills of the Lake District.
Most of the book is about her living with the community. This is interesting to read, but not really much happens until the end. The mood of the book reminds me of The Handmaid's Tale (Margaret Atwood).

Book 4: Sulphuric Acid by Amelie Nothomb (Finished May 2nd, 2010)

Unsuspecting people are randomly taken from a square in town and placed in a concentration camp. No, there's no war, this is for a Big Brother-type tv show.
The group is divided in bosses and prisoners. The bosses can do whatever they want to the prisoners, who spend most of their day doing hard labor. Every morning, the bosses choose a number of prisoners that are too weak to work, and they are executed.
Pannonique is a beautiful young woman prisoner who tries to keep morale up by treating everyone very politely. She'll help wherever she can. The others see her as someone to look up to. Meanwhile, one of the boses, a woman called Zdena, has also taken an interest in Pannonique. After some weeks of beating her up every day, she takes another approach and give Pannonique extra food, so she will live longer. When Pannonique wants Zdena's help to excape, Zdena has to choose between keeping her beloved Pannonique in the camp with her, or letting her go, and possibly never see her again.

Anonymous said...

My #rd Review-- The Line by Teri Hall...

Mrs. DeRaps said...

Forgot to add this--Review #3 is for The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness. Great read!

Leeswammes said...

I forgot about these two, so they make number 5 and 6:

5. Gone by Michael Grant (Finished March 13th, 2010)
6. Hunger by Michael Grant (Finished April 5th, 2010)

Kelsey said...

2nd review: The Dead and the Gone by Susan Beth Pfeffer.

Jenna JL said...

Hi! I just started my book blog and am excited to participate in this contest. I think it's a great idea and will post first review soon.

Leeswammes said...

Book 7: Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. My review is here:

Kelsey said...

3rd review: Incarceron by Catherine Fisher.

Kelsey said...

4th review: Epitaph Road by David Patneaude.

Emily said...

My first review is on I Am Legend by Richard Matheson (:

Kelsey said...

5th review: Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins.

Kelsey said...

6th review: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.

Kelsey said...

7th review: Witch and Wizard by James Patterson.

Anonymous said...

My number 4 and 5

The Dead Tossed waves

And Birthmarked

Melissa @ Mel's Books and Info said...

#4 This World We Live In

#5 Birthmarked

Melissa @ Mel's Books and Info said...

Oops--sorry I meant #5 and #6. I miss counted.

#5 This World We Live In

#6 Birthmarked

The Gnomadic Librarian said...

Finally, some more reviews are ready!

Monsters of Men:

The Crossing:


Anonymous said...

#8 Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell:

Anonymous said...

Number Six...Restoring Harmony....woot.....

Melissa @ Mel's Books and Info said...

#7 Witch and Wizard by James Patterson--kind of a dystopia with fantasy elements--weird.

Jenna JL said...

#1 Worldshaker by Richard Harland

Anonymous said...

Number 7...woot Im on a roll...

Kelsey said...

8th review: The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan.

Anonymous said...

Uh-oh Im almost to level 2.....


Black Disaster Fairy said...

I'm a bit late signing up for this. I seen the button on someone's blog while doing a blog hop. It will give me something new to read :)

Anonymous said...

Since so many dystopian books are YA, I'm making a list of non-YA dystopian books. Please add to this if you like to!

Anonymous said...

# 9 The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

and #10 The Possibility of an Island by Michel Houellebecq

Anonymous said...

#11 The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary Pearson

Anonymous said...

#9 Review

Katy said...

1st Review The Hunger Games

Bri said...

Love dystopian books, never heard of it called that though ;P Sweet though! I'm joining.

VampAngel said...

I'm entering the challenge! Better late than never!

I have 2 reviews already up:

1) The Hunger Games:

2) Catching Fire:

Happy reading!

VampAngel's Dilemma: To Read or Not To Read it? That is The Question

Missie, The Unread Reader said...

Challenge Complete! Level 1: Experimental!

Thanks for hosting! This was a new genre for me and I had a blast exploring!

Anonymous said...

12. The Unit by Ninni Holmqvist:

13. The Running Man by Stephen King:

Kelsey said...

9th review: Veracity by Laura Bynum.

Manga Maniac said...

I am late to the game, but I want to play, too! I don't know if I can hit my goal of 20 with only half the year to go, but I am going to try!

Kelsey said...

10th review (halfway done!): Genesis by Bernard Beckett.

Anonymous said...

Hi! My name is Maria and I'm over at Wings of Daedalus. I'm kind of new to the game where it concerns book reviews and challenges.

I saw this one and I couldn't resist!

I love The Hunger Game books so I'm super excited to be participating in this challenge (even if I'm late to the game!).

Glad to meet you all!

Kelsey said...

11th review: The Sky Inside by Clare B. Dunkle.

Kelsey said...

I'm not sure if Animal Farm is a dystopian novel, but here's my review for it, which would be my 12th review:

If this book doesn't count, please say so in the comments or just don't publish this comment so I'll know. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

#14 Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood:

#15 The Crysalids by John Wyndham:

only 5 more to go...

Judith H said...

16. The Year of the Flood by Margaret Atwood:

Getting very close to 20 now... reading #17 right now!

Anonymous said...

17. Feed by T. M. Anderson:

Kelsey said...

13th review: Gone by Michael Grant.

Anonymous said...

18. Jennifer Government by Max Barry

Kelsey said...

14th review: This World We Live In by Susan Beth Pfeffer.

Kelsey said...

15th review: I am Legend by Richard Matheson.

The Gnomadic Librarian said...

Finally! More reviews up:

Uglies by Scott Westerfeld:

Double Cross by Malorie Blackman:

Judith H said...

19. Blindness by Jose Saramago

One more to go.... :-)

Anonymous said...

Number 10...

Kelsey said...

16th review: The Unit by Ninni Holmqvist.

Kelsey said...

17th review: The Children of Men by P.D. James.

Anonymous said...

Number 20!!!!! I'm done! Wow!

20. The Traveler by John Twelve Hawks:

Kelsey said...

18th review: Inside Out by Maria V. Snyder.

Anonymous said...

Reviews: Clare B. Dunkle series: "The Sky Inside" and "The Walls Have Eyes":

Anonymous said...

Review: "Restoring Harmony" by Joelle Anthony:

Anonymous said...

Review: "This World We Live In" by Susan Beth Pfeffer:

Anonymous said...

Review: "The Passage" by Justin Cronin:

Anonymous said...

Review: "Never Let Me Go" by Kazuo Ishiguro

Mrs. DeRaps said...

I read Matched by Ally Condie...Awesomeness! Here's my review:

Mrs. DeRaps said...

I read The Unidentified by Rae Mariz. Here's my review:

Mrs. DeRaps said...

Some I forgot to link:

#2 Life As We Knew It:

#7 The Forest of Hands and Teeth

#8 Little Brother

I've read books 9 & 10...just need to write reviews! AGGH.

Anonymous said...

Review: The Limit by Kristen Landon


Kelsey said...

19th review: Hunger by Michael Grant.

Mrs. DeRaps said...

#9: The Dead and the Gone by Susan Beth Pfeffer.

Just one more review to write...eek!

Kelsey said...

20th (and last!) review: The Walls have Eyes by Clare B. Dunkle.

Anonymous said...

Book #20 Review: Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins:

Thanks for a great challenge! I made all 20!

Anonymous said...

Well done Kelsey and Courtney. I think we're the only 3 that made it to 20?

Wasn't that fun (and a little bit of hard work)?

ParaJunkee said...

Ya'll rock. I'll post a Dystopian wrap up later.

Anonymous said...

My Dystopian Challenge Wrap Up and Quote Contest! Please spread the word!


La Toya said...

Amazing challenge and buttons :)

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