Brought to PJV by Netflix
PJV's Quickie POV: Cute, Indie and made me feel cooler than I am by watching it.
Review: Dakota Skye has a super power. She knows the truth no matter what they say. Dakota's super power is screwing up her life. She can't see past all the lies that everyone spurts. Lie after lie after lie. Even her boyfriend who says he loves her doesn't really mean it. He meant it the first two times he said it, or at least he believed it, but now it doesn't mean a thing. But, he's a nice guy, and he treats her good, so she puts up with it. Her best friend doesn't even like her, she's pretty sure she doesn't even like herself. Dakota is really at a breaking part when compulsively honest Jonah strolls into to town and she believes she has met the antithesis of her power, or she is falling for him.
Thought this was going to be a time filler, it turned into a enjoyable watch. Really liked the premise, liked the acting and by the end had a big old crush on Jonah {Ian Nelson}.
Recommendations: Movie is rated R for sexuality, language, drug name it. No violence though. Follow the rating system, though about teens, would keep it 16/17+

this sounds rather adorable, I'm in the mood for some fluff, so I'll definitely check this out
thanks for the review!
This actually sounds very cool! I might have to check it out!
Never heard of this before, will have to check it out :)
Interesting. I've never heard of this!
I saw this movie it is really good they shot it with one camera and it only took them 16 days, I loved it :)
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