Review copy provided by Tricia Carr of Meryl L. Moss Media Relations, Inc.
Author's Website
PJV's Quickie POV: An action packed thriller, filled with demons and evil witches that will have your spine shivering. The novel digs in after a few chapters and doesn't let go, sending you on an adventure that is reminiscent of the final throws of Sunnydale (Buffy the Vampire Slayer). My knuckles were white throughout most of this novel as the protagonist battled demon after demon, fighting for her life and the future of mankind. With each page more and more was revealed as layer upon layer of religious background, forensics, demonology, showed of the immense amounts of research the author must have put in to pen this series.
Review: Moira is a witch. A witch descended from a long line of magic and evil. Her mother conceived her for the soul purpose of sacrificing her to Hell to be used as a conduit between the worlds. A goddess her mother had said, one that walks both worlds, yet none. Moira knew the truth though, she wouldn't be a goddess, she would be a slave. She escaped and found solace with her mother's enemy, the priests of the order of St. Michael's. She learned to battle the forces of evil, she learned faith and she also learned to love.
Her mother would not stop until she was either found, or destroyed. And all it took was one error on Moira's part, and everything she had came crashing down upon her and she barely escaped with her life. Her life, faith and reputation in tatters, Moira sets off to do the one thing she was destined to do, find and kill her mother. Her mother Fiona has other plans though...
Original Sin surprised me. Within the first two chapters I was actually getting to the point where I thought I might have to put it aside. It was moving slowly, well written but nothing was sucking me in. Boy was I surprised as I got deeper in the book and couldn't put the thing down! Action sequence after action sequence, Original Sin, definitely wasn't boring anymore. I'm very glad I didn't give in and push it to the side. Original Sin has it all, great characters, fast moving plot, detailed background, excellent tone and chills and thrills to make you want to run to the nearest church and say a few Hail Marys.
PJ Fact #42, raised Catholic, very Catholic (didn't go to a day of public school) and the Catholic religion is a big focus of this novel, and it was done well. Nothing like reading about warrior priests to bring back childhood memories. Some of those Jesuits looked like they've taken down a demon or two. Beside bringing out repressed Catholic memories the book did more than just entertain. Well worth the money, and from what I could tell, very easy to find, since I saw rows and rows of the book at every store I went to this weekend, from Rite Aid to Sam's.
Recommendations: Adult book for adult readers, there is violence, sex and a smidge of cursing. This is not what I would call a Paranormal Romance, there are a lot of "I Love Yous" from various characters, but the romance is not the main focus, it is the battle between good an evil. A nice introductory PNR if you are a fan of thrillers. Fans of horror, authors like Koontz and King should take a look.

Hmmm,now I am even more curious and a bit freaked out. This one just came yesterday, waiting to be reviewed. I can't read King because it scares the bejeepers out of me. I am glad to know to stick it out through the beginning. Am I going to have bad dreams for a month?
Great review.
Im having a hard time reading this....its really scary, a little too scary for me......
love the Saints stuff !!
okay getting more excited to check this book out.
@Jess - Thanks! Just put my jersey on this morning! Eeek can't wait. I have a balcony room on Bourbon Street, thinking about doing a Vlog from there. LOL!
@Tina - don't be a wuss! It's just a few demons. Put a little bowl of Holy Water next to your bed so you won't have nightmares.
Good for you for staying with it. Sounds like it was fun! Scarey, schmary... For a fun book like this I'll just leave the lights on!
A. You have a room on Bourbon? SAWEEET! I'm jealous!
B. I love that you did PJ Fact :) You should add a link to your PJ Facts :)
C. Adorable jersey!
D. Fab review!
hey you changed your background! nice!
this book looks really good, i have a reading challenge i could use this for!
are there any more that we know of?
I've read her other books and liked them so I'll have to check this out. Sounds like my kind of book. I wonder if it will be a trilogy since she seems to be fond of those.
This looks good - I think my husband would read it too! Your PJ fact makes me wonder which school you went to; I have two daughters ;)
Love the Saints jersey and background...WHO DAT!?! And a room on Bourbon? Fawesome! We're thinking about going downtown to party but I think it's going to be nuts.
Thanks for the review! I have been seeing this book and it sounded good by the synopsis but just wanted to learn more about it. You have really helped. I am going to have to get this one as well.
Great review! I love this book and I can't wait for Carnal Sin. It's been awhile since a paranormal suspense sucked me in like this one did.
Awesome review! I really want to read this now! :D
Btw...I love your subtle tribute to the Saints! :P
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