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Review: What would happen if Romeo and Juliet didn't kill themselves, but instead just lied to their parents that they weren't seeing each other anymore? What if Juliet was a vampire and Romeo was a vampire hunter? What if Paris was really hot, and really nice and Romeo was a bit grumpy and aggressive? Well, that would be Stargazer.
Bianca is back for another year at Evernight Academy, this time sans her love Lucas. In fact everyone is under the impression that Lucas and Bianca are old news and Bianca has kicked Lucas to the curb, what any self-respecting vamp would do when they found out their boyfriend was a secret spy for the deadly Black Cross. Yet, Lucas and Bianca are above labels, Lucas doesn't care that Bianca is a vampire, and Bianca looks passed the fact that Lucas kills her own kind for a living, or do they? With time, seperation and a truck full of bias between the two of them, can Lucas and Bianca's love survive.
Then to top it all off, there is something that is hunting Bianca, and stalking Evernight Academy. Something that everyone seems to be afraid of, yet knowledgeable about, but Bianca has no clue. Her parents are lying to her again, even the head mistress seems to know what is going on, but no one will tell Bianca. The only saving grace is Balthazar, his support and friendship is what is keeping Bianca going. Yet, as Lucas and Bianca's relationship becomes more strained...and Balthazar makes more and more overtures of his interest in Bianca...can this be the end of something and the beginning of another?
Once again excellent second installment. In Stargazer the characters have matured a bit, leading to a more dramatic and deeper story-line. The writing was done well and the suspenseful plot was very hard to figure out just like in the first novel. Characters are expanded on and I found myself really enjoying Balthazar, in fact I was pretty much rooting for him instead of Lucas. This is a first, I usually stick with numero uno, the only other time I've jumped ship from number 1 was with the Sookie Stackhouse series - not a fan of Bill. All in all good novel, I definitely recommend this series.
Recommendations: Older teens and adults. Fans of Twilight, House of Night and Vampire Academy will love this book. There are some mature interactions, but nothing actually occurs, so I would put this as 15+.

I liked it less than Evernight but it was a very good book and I cant wait to read hourglass ^^
Great Review!
PS: I love Balthazar too ^^
This one was soo good! I can't wait for Hourglass to be released. :D
I am so upset on what Bianca did on the last page. urgh! I have long forgiven her on that decision since that move added a different level on the excitement. Waiting (still) for book 3...
I'm rereading this series now, and I just started Stargazer last night. For some reason, I'm having a lot of trouble remembering what actually happened in that book. Oh well. I guess I'll remember soon enough!
OH...I wanted Bianca to pick Balthazar too...the scene with those two....H.O.T!!!!
I loved Evernight and I loved stargazer even more :) Great review!!
Stargazer is on my reading list in the next week or 2 so glad you enjoyed it. I had a few issues with Evernight that I'm hoping aren't repeated in Stargazer but overall I enjoyed it.
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