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Stormrage by Richard A. Knaak

World of Warcraft: Stormrage World of Warcraft: Stormrage by Richard A. Knaak
Hardcover novel provided by publisher.

PJV's QUICKIE POV: One page in PJ realized she was over her head and would not be able to give a credible review for this novel. Like the title states this is a World of Warcraft book, and has a lot of World of Warcraft lingo...therefor I was out of my league. So what did this reviewer do? I enlisted a WOW expert to give me a WOW worthy review. PJ would like to introduce Jerry, a co-worker of mine and also an avid WOW player.


Stayed with the World of Warcraft lore from a back end perspective.  Meaning, it was pretty exciting to see that it’s focus was primarily on the party of players (little non-boss types - Us people who have characters in-game) who are NOT kings or leaders or heroes but simpletons which lead to the success and failures of Malfurion.  The relationships of in game descriptions of spells, the authors way of painting the motions of battle gave as well as the aura of the environment while certain situations presented themselves was uncanny.

  The names of places and characters depicted in this book got one thinking about areas throughout Azeroth which we’ve traveled and fought ourselves (those who play WOW) while questing in some zones made me occasionally drift off thinking about the highlights of that zone I’ve played.  I could understand the distances and areas that they traveled and made relationships from book to game.  There was an area though I couldn’t understand how they got from one area the next they were 2 zones away but that didn’t take away from the story line.

The equipment armor and weapons gave the reader the sense of going through the motions with their in-game characters.  Although not an issue there was some questionable verbiage.  The book refers to Ax and in-game refers to Axe, which is the same thing but that stood out to me.

At times I found myself mentally engrossed as part of the fighting party thinking about what I would do to help out whether it was healing or fighting.  The winding down at the end of the book was we’ll written to give plenty of room to continue on other journey’s.

Overall was a pretty darn good read.  I would rate this 4 out of 5 stars (skulls)


Bitsy said...

Going to have to pass this review on to my WoW playing brothers. The book sounds really interesting!

The Book Guru said...

oh wow how addictive you are! My husband reads a few of these books but I can't get into them. I do think its cool though to read about a place that I play in daily!

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