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Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy, books, movie, giveaways and more! This blog has moved. View latest greatest info at


Blogmania 2010!

 My Blog is 38 of 123

You’ve arrived at exactly the right time to explore lots of new blogs, all of which, ARE GIVING AWAY A VERY SPECIAL BLOGMANIA GIVEAWAY (For One Day Only – April 30th) .
We’ve done all the work for you. No hunting or surfing. Each blog will have a number and each new blog link will have a number. These numbers will allow you to keep track of which blogs you’ve visited and how many are left to visit. Why not take a moment to make a list of blog numbers 1-121 and check off the blogs as you go.

I know you’ll want to visit as many blogs today as you can. So, if you see something that interests you on any of our participating blogs, why not bookmark that site. Later, when you have more time, you can discover all its fabulous treasures.



Want a new look for Blogmania??
Enter the Blogmania Blog Makeover Contest for today only!

If you didn't know by now, Parajunkee doesn't just read, she is also a web designer (graphic designer, illustrator) by trade.  And now you can win some Parajunkee Design!

What do you get in this awesome *Slap Yo Mamma* contest??? My quickest design giveaway yet -
Header - Button - Background

With that combination you basically get a whole new blog design.  

This design work retails at $90 So Enter Now!

Contest Rules & Deets:
  1. Contest is open to EVERYONE Internationally 
  2. Contest ends END OF DAY! 11:59 AM CST
  3. As the winner you will be provided with a static (just the image) header, blog button and a background image, files will be hosted on (or a host of your choice), I will guide you through the HTML part if you need it.
  4. Winner will have 48 hours to respond to claim their prize - winner will be posted here
  5. Just leave a comment to be entered - that is it. If you do not have a unique screen name, put a little more description in the comments
  6. Also please state how you follow in the comments also.
    Good Luck!

    More Goodies! - The Blogmania is all over the bloggyverse... move right along to win much more today!

    Blog- 1 ~ Between The Pages ~
    Blog -2  ~ The Black Sheep Dances
    Blog-43 -  Books, Books Everywhere -
    (Blog-100) Reading Teen -
    (Blog-83) The Cajun Book Lady -
    (Blog-70) DK’s Book Reviews -
    (Blog-32) Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers -
    (Blog-9) A Writer’s Life -
    (Blog-108) Queen of the Castle Reviews -
    (Blog-41) The Lost Entwife -
    (Blog-47) Joyfully Retired -


    Missie, The Unread Reader said...


    Me, Me, Me! Pick me!!!

    *bounces more*

    Curling up by the Fire said...

    I would love to win this as I need help with my blog design. My blog is called Curling Up By The Fire. Thanks for a great giveaway!

    I follow through GFC.

    icewoman96 at gmail dot com

    Missie, The Unread Reader said...

    opps, how I follow, Feedburner, Button and all your blogs are on my Reader!

    I'm parajunkeessed!

    (and lame at making jokes, too)

    Unknown said...

    Super awesome giveaway! I would love to win a blog makeover! Thanks for the chance to win.

    pirate_pony2 at yahoo dot com

    Sonya said...

    PICK ME! I have a sad blog where I just talk to myself. I need you! ;-)

    I follow your blog and twitter!

    sonya cullen at gmail dot com

    Amber said...

    I would love a new blog layout :)

    I follow via GFC!

    Tori [Book Faery] said...

    I've been anticipating this since I first heard you say you were doing it.

    I'm an old follower :)

    J.A. Saare / Aline Hunter said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Lexie said...

    Here's hoping I win! :)


    ♫♥✿Chas @ LovLivLife Reviews✿♥♫ said...

    Oh yeah!!! =)
    This is my second Blogmania giveaway I am entering!
    Must be fate because I need a design bad!

    My blog is titled:
    Lovin' & Livin' Life in the 808: One Yummy Book at a Time

    808 is the Hawaii area code.

    I follow this blog via Google Friend connect with both my accounts, FB, Twitter, and email subscription!

    Mahalo for hosting this fabulous contest!=)

    Ellz said...

    Great giveaway. I am in need of a makeover!

    Missy said...

    This is wonderful!

    - Missy

    titania86 said...

    Awesome giveaway! :)


    Unknown said...

    I'd love a chance to win one a design from you. It would be for mine and my friends blog, Paranormal Haven (


    Stephanie G

    Kim said...

    I'd be on top of the world to win one of your designs. *crosses fingers*

    I follow by Google reader and on twitter ;)

    Lena1xoxo said...

    OOOOH, I need this, lol.

    *crosses fingers*

    My blog's name is Addicte 2 Novels. I follow through Google Friend Connection and also follower you via Twitter.

    Thanks for hosting this!


    Unknown said...

    (Emily of Super Reader Girl Reviews)
    I follow you via google reader and on twitter. :)

    Beverly said...

    Great contest! I am a follower! Please enter me!

    Judi S said...

    Awesome prize! I am crossing my fingers. :)
    I follow through Google Reader and through email.


    Beleth said...

    Count me in :D i love your designs!

    battyaboutbats at

    bookaholic said...

    My blog is in desperate want of a makeover!! Please enter me :)

    lovelyritaann said...

    I need this! I follow you via google

    lovelyritaann at sbcglobal dot net

    Rae Reads said...

    I'm a follower (google I think)

    Jamie said...

    Been a follower through Google Reader for a while now!!

    akascrapaholic [at] gmail [dot] com

    Unknown said...

    I'm a new google friend connect follower !

    Love your background here , would love to win my own ! Subscribed in email too :)

    seksi_missy at hotmail dot com

    Icedream said...

    Great giveaway because I am so in need of a blog overhaul and don't have a clue how to do it myself :) Thanks for the chance.
    Follow on GFC.
    waitmantwillie at hotmail dot com

    A Mom's Take said...

    Thank you for the giveaway!
    janel_marie at yahoo dot com

    Susan said...

    Parajunkee's View follower via Google

    susan56bft at gmail dot com

    Christina said...

    I'm a new follower through google friend connect. my blog address is Your giveaway is simple awesome!

    Manda said...

    This is a fantastic and unique giveaway! I follow through google friend connect.

    Emily Cross said...

    Well considering I've been stalking you on Parajunkee design, I would LOVE to win!!

    In bad need of a nice header :)

    I follow via bloggerfollow!

    Aik said...

    I'm a follower. I'd love to enter!

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

    Anonymous said...

    Amazing giveaway!! I am a follower! :)

    kpic724 (at) gmail (dot) com

    DK's Book Reviews said...

    I am a follower. Please enter me in the giveaway. Thanks.

    Sara said...

    Awesome contest, I could really need a new design!
    I'm a follower

    SueFitz said...

    Great contest thanks for participating in Blogmania

    I'm a follower


    Violet said...

    Wow! Very cool giveaway! I follow you through GFC. My blog is The Eager Readers.

    mandala said...

    Blog and Twitter follower. I could sure use a blog make over! thanks for the chance :)


    Anonymous said...

    Hey :)

    I follow your blog, and your twitter, and on facebook.

    Anonymous said...

    Great contest! I follow through friend connect, google reader and twitter =)


    Anne said...

    My blog is so boring, I need this!
    ajolly1456 at gmail dot com

    mommysosweet said...


    Anonymous said...

    Thanks for participating in this awesome giveaway! I'm a GFC follower.

    Laura @ A Jane of All Reads said...

    You haz all the awesome.

    I stalk your blog (google reader) and twitter.


    Bells said...

    What a great contest. I am in desperate need to fix my blog so I will be on cloud 9 if I win.

    I follow you on twitter and on google reader.

    Twimom227 said...

    This is a wonderful giveaway. Please enter me. As much as I love my blog, it could use a facelift!

    I follow you via twitter and google reader.

    BreiaB said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    BreiaB said...

    Enter me please, I so want one of your designs.
    I follow on GR and twitter.

    bbricke AT yahoo DOT com

    Spav said...

    Great giveaway!


    mountie9 said...

    you have the BEST prize, that is INCREDIBLY GENEROUS
    I follow on google friend connect and on twitter
    contestmom AT hotmail DOM

    Dana said...

    I am so new to this scene but I am in love with Parajunkee's blog! It is just so kick-awesome!

    Please pick me!!!

    Patti (@TheLoveJunkee) said...

    Hahaha - you know I HAVE to enter this one! Very generous giveaway Parajunkee! Thanks!

    katsrus said...

    What a great contest. I don't have a blog so don't enter me. Just wanted to say hello in the blogmania.
    Sue B

    Felicia the Geeky Blogger said...

    Great blog! I now have a new one to follow :)

    Would love to win!

    thehistorychic (@) gmail (.) com

    Andria said...

    I can not tell you how excited I am about this! I have come to your blog so many times and LOVE the look of it, and have dreamed of getting a blog makeover by you! I love all the designs you have done (especially the ones with the girls laying on a bench reading). I REALLY hope I win this!!!

    Thanks a bunch!
    (I'm a follower!

    SusanKMann said...

    Ohhh this is such a cool prize, pick me pick me. Pllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeease. I follow your blog and stalk you on twitter.

    Anonymous said...

    Loving the contest! You all rock!


    CrystalGB said...

    What an awesome giveaway. I am a GFC follower and twitter follower. :)

    Ella Preuss said...

    Me wants! :D
    I've been following your blog for some time now ;)

    ella_press AT

    Karen said...

    I'm on your waiting list for a makeover already but *free* would be nice too!
    Thanks for the contest!

    cait045 said...

    Loving Blogmania!! This is an awesome prize!

    Follower on Google Friend Connect

    Sarah said...

    Hi, I'm a new follower :o) I love your layout - I have no skill at all for making one of my own so I'd love to win this!

    sarahsreviews at ymail dot com

    LibraryGirl said...

    Ok, I totally thought I was following your blog but apparently I wasn't. I am now though!

    I've really been wanting (needing) to redo my blog, Library Girl Reads, so I would absolutely LOVE to win this one :-)

    Jamie said...

    Hello! This is an amazing giveway that I would LOVE to win. I follow you through google. My email is

    crunchybabe @

    Thank-you :-)

    Natasha A. said...

    This is a wonderful prize....
    I am a follower with that Google Thing...and on Twitter.
    Thank you!!

    natasha (at) likeminds (dot) ca

    Mandyfish said...

    You're awesome and give awesome prizes! Count me in for this one. I stalk....errr...follow you here, on blogs with bite, your design blog, and on twitter.

    Mandy at gmail dot com

    Sherry said...

    I would lovvvvve a new blog design! I follow with GFC! :)

    Thanks! :)

    E.J. Stevens said...

    Wow! This is a fabulous contest. I've been contemplating approaching you for some of your fabulous web design magic and would love to win this contest.


    Old Follower (GFC)
    Twitter (@EJStevensAuthor)
    Subscribe by email

    Blog I would like design help with:[at]gmail[dot]com

    Stacy at The Novel Life said...

    i've been a follower for awhile!

    and a whole new look?!? sounds really cool!

    happy blogMANIA!

    Amanda said...

    This is a wonderful giveaway!! Thank you!! Please count me in! I actually have two separate blogs, my family blog and a blog that I do with a friend of mine!

    Unknown said...

    i follow with GFC

    Melissa @ Mel's Books and Info said...

    Great giveaway!

    I follow with Google Reader and Twitter.

    Leonard Family said...

    I follow with Twitter!

    Great giveaway, I might be breezinby but not when it comes to design!

    Christy said...

    I'm a new followerthrough google.

    Amy J said...

    I am a new follower! Great contest! I really need and want this!
    Amy J

    Deitering said...

    Oh Fun! I'd love to win this ;) ;) ;) hehe. I follow through the blogger follow.

    BOOks In ChAIns (

    Sherry said...

    Great giveaway.
    I follow through google

    Unknown said...

    i follow through google friend connect, feedburner, goodreads, & twitter i love me some parajunkee great contest!

    Dren said...


    I follow thru google & Twitter.

    CHRISTIE said...

    I’m a follower via google and twitter and would love to enter.

    Vera said...

    I follow on GFC - would love to win!

    YzhaBella's BookShelf said...

    Great prize! Thank you!
    I follow via GFC
    Kate aka YzhaBella's BookShelf

    Kim said...

    I follow through google friend connect.

    Dawn Ius said...

    Ack! This is exactly what I need for my character blog / website! Crossing my fingers that I win :-)
    And, I love your site. I'm a new follower.
    Count me in for the contest -

    Kelly's Lucky You said...

    I don't need a blog design but wanted to say "hi" from Blogmania!

    I'm a new follower. Please stop by my Blogmania and follow me back -

    KellysLuckyYou at yahoo dot com

    Beth ( said...

    Hi! Great giveaway!

    I'm a follower through GFC


    Jackie said...

    Follower on GFC and have your other blog buttons on my scroller on sidebar. Friend on Goodreads, follow on Twitter in general a Parajunkee stalker so to speak....

    My blog is called Housewife Blues and Chihuahua Stories and is all about promoting others with the books, the contest links and in general just having fun ...

    jackie b central texas


    Jenni @ Falling Off The Shelf said...

    OMG I'd love to win! Then I could stop saving up for it, lol...I'm so horrible.

    Fantastic giveaway! I'm so excited!

    Good luck to everyone!!

    Krystalyn Drown said...

    I follow through GFC

    belle5678 at yahoo dot com

    Kris said...

    Awesome as usual! Please count me in!

    Margot said...

    Fantastic gift.

    Nice to have met you.

    margot dot peck at gmail dot com

    Drea Becraft said...

    great gift!

    Tawania said...

    You always have the greatest giveaway! Please count me in. I'm an old follower & stalker


    Erin said...

    Great giveaway.
    New follower on GFC

    Stiletto Storytime said...

    This is the best giveaway ever! I would love some new designs and will be needing them very soon since I am about to be published in the near future!!! I follow through a bookmark have for you and read regularly!


    Jordan Deen said...

    Great contest! Love it!


    StephTheBookworm said...


    I'm an old follower.

    stephaniet117 at yahoo dot com

    Tribute Books said...


    Tara said...

    I would love to win this. Planning to start a blog and winning this would give me the inspiration I need. :-)
    sweetpeonies07 at gmail

    deltay said...

    Oh wow, that's so cool - super-original prize!


    Hot Off the Shelves said...

    I could sooo use so spicing up on my blog and new images would be perfect! I follow you blogger dashboard.


    Jen said...

    very cool giveaway. Today is probably the greatest day ever!

    Kristi said...

    I would love to have a blog "overhaul"! Great giveaway. I follow through GFC and email!

    kherbrand at comcast dot net

    HSUper Parents said...

    GFC follower. Feel free to stop by and visit my blog

    JoJosBookCorner said...

    Hi hunnie!
    again , you are too awesome!!!
    Thanks for the blog makeover chance!!!
    i follow of course!!!

    Martha Eskuchen said...

    Hello and Happy Blogmania!
    I'd love to win this too!
    I follow on google and twitter (@MSEREADS).

    Zombiemom said...

    New to blogging and loving it!! Love your blog! Now a follower!!

    Liz @ Cleverly Inked said...

    I think I follow through everything. Older follower through Blogger

    I am so excited. I love your designs

    BookHounds said...

    Please enter me -- my blog is desperate for a makeover.
    I follow on GFC

    Natalie said...

    Awesome! Thanks so much for the giveaway girl! :)

    I follow through GFC.


    Carries Rambles said...

    Oh Please let it be me! I am the least creative person on earth!
    I am following on GFC and have to say I honestly love this site now that I found it!
    carriesrambles at yahoo dot com

    Dwayne said...

    This is so wonderful, do enter me!

    Thanks so much!

    Amanda Leigh said...

    Wow! Great giveaway!
    I follow through GFC, since I finally realized I wasn't about a week ago. *facepalm*


    Sandra Sookoo said...

    Sweet site! I write in the paranormal genre. My blog's called Believing is Seeing. Enter me! I followed you on Twitter.

    Jennifer Mathis said...

    please enter me I follow by GFC

    Arlene said...

    Yes, another paranormal writer will now be you. Great site, I can't wait to come back and ask you to add me to your reading/review list.

    The Library Lurker said...

    Oh wow, a blog design would be awesome! I follow with Google Friend Connect!

    Anonymous said...

    Following Parajunkee's View with Google Friend Connect [Cheryl F. {The Lucky Ladybug}] -- *Thanks* for the giveaway!

    Unknown said...

    Hi ya,
    Please enter me in this awesome contest.
    I'm Becky of The Bookette ;-)
    I follow through Google connect.

    And a huge THANKS for this amazing opportunity.

    christine(booktumbling) said...

    Please throw my name in the hat for this super prize!!!!



    Rebecca Wells said...

    New follower!

    - Rebecca


    Melissa (My words and pages) said...

    Oh, you have to enter me for this. You do have beautiful designs! :) Thank you for the opportunity!

    AMY Reale ~ ReadingTeen2 said...

    I definitely need help with my blog. I Tweeted you and I am now a follower. I love you cool giveaway! This is my first time with Blogmania. Very cool! ~ Amy R.

    Lynsey Newton said...

    WOW, what an amazing prize and I've seen your work before on other blogs ;) Please count me in!


    I follow you here and on twitter.

    Mandy said...

    Please enter me
    I follow through google friend connect

    Sandra said...

    That would be Awesome!!! bookjunkee00

    Anonymous said...

    Ah, wonderful prize! Please count me in. :D

    I follow through Google Friend Connect.

    Anna ♥

    ambercat_13 said...

    OoOOooOoOoOOOo I love your designs. I just started my blog so I would LOVE this prize. I follow you on Twitter and your blog.

    I'm on Twitter as ambercat_13

    Carina said...

    I'm a new follower, through an RSS reader!

    readthroughlife on twitter

    Raspberry said...

    I follow through Google Friend...thank you, what a fabulous giveaway, and let me tell you - we could really use the blog makeover!

    Victoria said...

    Wow! I love the layout of your blog, and could really use a makeover at mine!

    vschilke at gmail dot com (following publicly)

    Laura said...

    Please enter me.

    groovyoldlady said...

    Oh dear, my blog, while certainly groovy, is admittedly mediocre in the visual presentation. In other words: Groovy needs Help! I try not to join the "follow" mania, so I ony "follow" personal friends. Sorry!

    Mama Librarian said...

    Oh, yes, I could definitely use some design help. Thanks. =) librarymaggi at gmail dot com

    Highland Hussy said...

    Hi girl! enter me too please!

    DemonLover said...

    Did I say that I wanted to be entered?

    Yeah yeah, it's me and I REALLY want some new BLOG stuff to compliment my man candy.


    Unknown said...

    Ahh I love your layouts!

    I follow through google reader and my blogspot dashboard!

    Dianne Duvall said...

    What a wonderful and unique giveaway! The first book in my paranormal romance series will be published by Kensington next year and I could really use a great design with which to begin my blog.

    Thanks for the opportunity! I follow your blog through Goggle and my Blogger dashboard.

    Elaine Hopper said...

    I'm having a blast visiting all the blogs, checking them out, and hopefully, winning something today. :)

    I love your designs and would be delighted if I was a winner. Awesome prizes.

    Here's to making new friends. I'm a new follower. When I get home I'll also follow on twitter. I can't from here.

    Elaine Hopper

    Unknown said...

    If I win, you might get more than you bargained for. I just started a blog and am a total novice.

    Gaby G said...

    I follow via GFC

    magabygc AT gmail DOT com

    Audrey (holes In My brain) said...

    I seriously LOVE your work! and I'm a google follower :)

    CCL said...

    I am a follower, and would love it if you'd check out and follow my new blog! Please enter me in this fantabulous contest! My designing skills are pretty nonexistent, and after a month of web-searching and trying different things, I still haven't figured out how to make a button for my new site! LOL!

    Susan W - aka. Crazy Cat Lady Reader

    Jan said...

    What a sweet prize, and I would love to win this! I am a new follower.

    alongtheway at telus dot net

    Anonymous said...

    I so excited. I subscribe via email.

    lexigurl_17 (at) hotmail (dot) com

    Literary Cravings said...

    Great giveaway!!! Old follower

    Kristen said...

    Yay!!! I subscribe via Google Friend Connect.

    dragonzgoil at gmail dot com

    Jo-Anne said...

    Ooh, great contest, my blog is a little sad looking so this would seriously help!!

    I follow through google friend connect.


    anonymous said...

    I am a follower on google friend connect.

    Lynda Del said...

    Awesome giveaway! I would love to win your blog makeover!

    I’m following you via GFC.


    Jessica B said...

    I would LOVE to win! I follow through GFC.

    shutupjessicasreading @ gmaildotcom

    Spamgirl said...


    I'm a follower on Blogger/Google Friend Connect as spamgirl. :) Thank you!

    Brenda Hyde said...

    I've followed for a long time:) I've been meaning to have you do some stuff for me and keep forgetting to ask what your schedule is!

    Bianca said...

    I'm an old follower and would love to win a header for my sports blog!

    infinitemusic19 at gmail dot com

    Anonymous said...

    Thanks for giving us the chance to win such an awesome prize!

    thesexybooklover at gmail dot com

    Val said...

    I would love to win
    Val @ truthbetold004 at

    June G said...

    This would be so cool to win. I follow via Google Friend Connect. Thanks for the opportunity!

    june (at) writingisablessing (dot) com

    whitewolfreads said...

    Please include me in the giveaway!

    spettolij AT gmail DOT com

    Sparkle Queen said...

    I've actually been wrestling with revamping my blog! So this would be a phenomenal win! :)

    I run two blogs, and the one that "needs help" is my food blog.

    You are welcome to enter my giveaway for my free custom designed jewelry set!

    Happy surfing!
    Blog 118 of 123
    designsbydawnmd (at) gmail (dot) com

    LadyMyth said...

    Hi! Attempting to become a follower... will keep trying. Always hearing about this blog via my mom.

    The1stdaughter said...

    Just lovely! Thank you for the chance! I'm already an RSS subscriber and google friend connect.
    the1stdaughter at gmail dot com

    Cara Powers said...

    Wow! You have a ton of entries. Some people look like they've entered more than once. Have fun with (unless you just want to pick me).

    Hell Kat said...

    Wow! This would be awesome... I love your designs!!!

    hellkat1981 at gmail dot com

    Reena Jacobs said...

    I'm so glad you gave a reminder. I've been so busy this week it slipped my mind, and it's totally been on my list! I'd love to be entered in your blogmania giveaway.


    Laura Hartness said...

    Thanks for offering up your creative talents to us once again! I have my fingers crossed!

    I follow on Google Friend Connect and on Twitter.

    Laura Hartness
    The Calico Critic
    CalicoCritic at gmail dot com


    Maybe I can win this blog design, since I was sooo close, yet sooo far away in the Big Sis, Little Blog contest.

    I follow you on twitter and am a blog follower

    Unknown said...

    Great prizes! Yay for Blogmania from Blog #57 ;-) I follow you on twitter as aitmama. aitmama {{at}} gmail {{tod}} com

    vickie said...

    im vickie vbarton24 at gmail dot com i sure could use a makeover on my blog. thanks and Ill be back to check out your site more later.

    Anonymous said...

    I would love to win! I follow your blog!

    Post a Comment

    Let me have it...