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Character Connection

We all have characters we love. Let's spotlight these fantastic creations! Whether you want to be friends with them or you have a full-blown crush on them, you know you love them and want everyone else to love them too!
Character Connection host by

EmbersMy Character Connection today is Anya from Laura Bickle's Embers.
But Lanterns were unusual. She had never met another Lantern. She only knew the term from her conversations with Ciro. It was not a role she relished playing. Katie had said that Anya had the blessing of fire upon her. Like a human bug zapper, she took spirits into her inner elemental light and devoured them, incinerating them. She hated the cold touch of spirits in her throat; they tasted hard and metallic, like water with too much iron. After devouring one, it seemed that days would pass before she could feel truly warm again.

I like Anya because she, #1 has a great name, (my daughter's name) two is cynical, snarky and a little bit damaged, which is my favorite kind of Urban Fantasy heroine. And lastly has a pet that could play with my dog and maybe where him down a bit. This is my pic of Anya in her corset...looking all pin-up girl style. The necklace might be a bit long, but, hey a girl can be stylish while still wearing her elemental, right?



Blodeuedd said...

What a cool feature, I must remember this one

Unknown said...

Anya sounds like a great heroine. I love characters who have a snarky voice. They make me smirk in public places. You can't be snarky dialogue.

Sullivan McPig said...

I'm reading the book at the moment and sofar I agree with you.

vvb32 reads said...

cynical and snarky makes for a fun character. hmmm. never heard of elementals before. cool.

Jen at Introverted Reader said...

She sounds like a character I would like. I like snarky and sarcastic but I kind of need damaged to go with it. I don't want them to be too superior! I love seeing what pictures you come up with every week!

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