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Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy, books, movie, giveaways and more! This blog has moved. View latest greatest info at


Giveaway Announcments

First, standing ovation for The Bibliophile's Lounge. Winner of the Big Sis, Little Blog program. He'll be getting a new blog design pretty soon....and I would like to ask a favor to all my bloggy buddies.  Can you run on over to Chase's blog and show some love by following him and saying hi.  He really has a wonderful blog already, and it always cool to hear a guys POV on the books. This is definitely a female heavy community. Thanks!

Secondly, stay posted because I'm having a wonderful contest later on this week with a chance to win a $50 Gift Card. Biggest prize ever on this silly blog!

And speaking of friggin' huge contest, you guys know I never do this, but I had to spread this one.  I can't even name that amount of sheet she has to give away.  Run on over to Cleverly Inked and enter her Birthday Phenomenon. Like 53 books (much of them signed) and a ton of swag, I mean a ton. I couldn't even phantom giving this amount of stuff away. Crazy contest, Happy Birthday Liz. Click the button to go on over!

Cleverly Inked Button

Currently Reading:
 The Light (Morpheus Road)When Good Wishes Go Bad


bookaholic said...

Thanks for the updates :)

Lola said...

Agreed! Liz's contest is AWESOME! :D

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