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Available May 25th for download.
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Review: Victoria "Tory" is being hunted by a demon, thanks to the warlock that happens to be her father. So what is the suggestion of her spirit guides? Summon an angel so he can smite that demon! They tried for a upper echelon angel...but shot a little high and managed to wrestle Michael to do their bidding. This doesn't sit very well with Michael, he has better things to do than help a mere human. That is, until he sets eyes on Tory and realizes...oops she's his soul-mate. Angels know these things instantly.
It takes a little while to convince Tory...but a little bit of seduction and declarations of feelings help to sway her. But, that nasty demon is still out to get her. With her own avenging angel at her side, can Tory survive an attack by a demon intent on seeing her dead?
A very entertaining tid-bit of Ford's writing, this is a good way to introduce yourself to this author. It will sell on for less than $3.00 - and is a wonderful way to support a budding author. I really did enjoy this quick read, but there were some things that I found wrong with the novella. For one it was a bit too short, there was a lot of back story and plot to shove within 69 pages - it could have been expanded a lot more, in fact this plot could have supported a full novel, but I understood what she was trying to accomplish here and it got the point across. But, because of the short version, I did tend to get overwhelmed at times, nothing major though. I can't wait to read more form this author, I'm sure any follow up to this novel will be excellent.
Recommendations: Adults only, paranormal romance fans. Writing was reminiscent of Showalter, Kenyon and Cole styles, fans of these authors should get into Ford's writing.

I loved this book, Ra - Shal! ;-) I'm glad you liked it too.
I agree, it would have made a kick-ass full length. Unfortunately, it was for the Angels and Demons anthology and Samhain had a 30k word count maximum. Since I'm buds with Mad, I can tell you she's penning the upcoming installment as a full-length, so it's chips and dip all around.
J - Great, I really look forward to reading a full-length. I guess I'll bring the dip ;)
The world building on these PNRs are so intensive, I couldn't imagine having to be limited to 30K words.
Oh man, the world build is and it does suck. I considered entering a story into the hat but realized early on I couldn't do it in 30k words. :)
Wow - Adding this to my download for tomorrow!! Thanks for sharing!
Rachel, thanks so much for the review. Like Jaime explained, I was under wordage constraints when I wrote this, so I was forced to walk a fine line. But never fear, it isn't the last of Michael and Tori. I really want to explore her role as a witch and her ability to see ghosts. And believe me, there are a lot of demons left to kill. :)
I am so anxious to get my hands on a copy of this book!! The cover is uber-hott :)~ and the synopsis is definitely captivating!
I am a little bummed that it's only available as an e-book because I don't have an e-reader :( I'll just have to figure something out, lol.
Thanks for sharing your review with us!
@Soulmates - Amazon has a desktop feature for their kindle. You don't have to have the reader - you can download the program for your desktop and read on your computer. It is very handy. You can also get Kindle apps for your smart phones for free. I have one for my iPhone and hubby has on his iTouch. Very convenient.
I recently came across another review of this book and I think it looks worthwhile!
Thank you! :)
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