There has been a lot of talk and speculation on the move to Louisiana, a lot of people are poo pooing on the idea though, stating that Louisiana just isn't the Pacific Northwest and to travel this far to film is just redonculous. Well, peeps, they call us Hollywood South - and studios are only getting tax breaks like this in Canada. The cast might just be tired of freezing their undead butts off, right? Too far, really, with an ever increasing budget for these films a little trip down South couldn't be that hard.
The rumor was first introduced in a story in The Hollywood Reporter but nothing specifically was cited for their reasoning that it might be moving to Louisiana, just that it would be a cost cutting possibility. Summit refused to acknowledge this rumor, and would only tell that they are only releasing one fact: Bill Codon (Dreamgirls, Kinsey) will be directing.
The article did state that their most compelling evidence was in the creation of a LLC by an agent of Summit. This LLC was filed with Louisiana Secretary of State's office, and the company is named: "TSBD LOUISIANA, LLC". Could that stand for Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn!
LLC paperwork is one thing, I'm guessing we won't know for sure until film crews are setting up shop. But really? How exciting is this? Rob Patterson and Taylor Laurent in my backyard? Egads - who will stalk them with me, I mean, ahem, professionally watch them from the bushes???

I'm bringing my Edward Cullen doll.
I heard this rumor over the weekend - I didn't believe it! That would be pretty cool - stars seem to like it here.
Good. Then we won't have to put up with the crazy Twihards here anymore! LOL
whoo hoo for new orleans if this does pan out. I might have to visit my friend and see if I can Robert ...I mean Edward :)
I will come help you stalk the for research purposes... **hands in the air** promise, lol!!! Hee hee.. sure that is what I keep saying!! OMG! This would be exciting!!!!
Really? Please stalk them for us and take pictures?!
Pictures of Taylor for me, k? ;)
I am so there. So much closer than the PNW/Canada. 3 hr drive? problem!
Stalking hot celebs? I’m in :)
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