Ok...enough of that. So like a random email came into my inbox (yesterday was the day for random emails) but it directed me to this book trailer...which has to be one of the best book trailers I've seen. I haven't heard of the series before (can't be on top of it all) but I think I might have to grab the first book in the series just cause of this friggin' awesome trailer. And now I need the song, which is Polly Scattergood: "Ghostgirl Lovesick".
Oh and also, we are celebrating DorkFest in the graphics department today. DorkFest because all of the proper corporate co-workers think the designers are a little bit strange. So, what is DorkFest? Well that would be all things Twilight right? So viewing Twilight at work today and then leaving to go see the movie later on. I told my boss we would also be dressing like vampires, and she replied with, "How would that be different than your usual attire?" I was actually a bit offended (well not really) until I thought about it. And if I were to dress like a Cullen vampire, I probably would fit in better at my work. LOL
My middle schoolers love this series. I haven't read it yet, but I think I might put it in my TBR pile!! Thanks for sharing the trailer, my kiddos will be excited that there is going to be a movie!!
(actually it isn't that good xD Its more for middle schoolers)
Aww...I hope you feel better! And I have to admit...I was planning on passing on that series...but that trailer is pretty darn awesome....Hmm....
I couldn't get into this series but the trailer is good. Thanks for sharing and hope you feel better soon!
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