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Clan of the Cave Bear (Earth's Children Series) by Jean M. Auel

The Clan of the Cave BearThe Clan of the Cave Bear Seres by Jean M. Auel
Series books purchased a looong time ago.

PJVs QUICKIE POV: An old favorite, the series by Auel was just recently brought back to mind when I found it at the library and reread The Clan of the Cave Bear. I had the entire series up to The Shelters of Stone but unfortunately lost them in Katrina. Between that and my 1st edition collection of Harry Potter hardbacks I still swallow a sniffle. An epic tale, deeply rooted in historical fantasy, the series is a wonderful view of pre-historic man's (woman's) life and a series that I cherished for a long time. While the last book that I read The Shelters of Stone was a disappointment, the other books were highly enjoyable and up there as a Top Ten PJV Series Favorite.

REVIEW: The series focuses on a Cro-Magnun female named Ayla who loses her parents in an earthquake and is raised by Neanderthals. Being a member of a more evolved species than Neanderthal man, Ayla is distrusted by a lot of the Neanderthal clan, but loved by the woman Isa that adopted her, and her brother, the spiritual leader of the clan. The first book covers Ayla's life within the clan and the trials she must face as a child of the Others, never to fully be accepted by her adopted people.

In later books (you might want to stop reading here if you would like to avoid spoilers) Ayla travels from her life within the Neanderthal clan to find her own people. On the journey she finds out just how diverse her own people are and how even distrust runs through them when an unknown element is introduced. Ayla even finds something that she would have never found within the Clan. She finds love, the love of a man and with him she finally finds acceptance and home.  Their journey is what plays out in the later books, always hinting at a final bloody conclusion that matches Clan with Other, the son she left within the Clan and the son she will bear with her new people.

The Shelters of Stone (Earth's Children)You can't pass up this series, I really recommend it. Auel spins a tale in a voice that will resonate through you. The research she put into writing these novels shows within every sentence. I felt as if I could be living within the cave walls with these people, instead of just reading about them. Ayla as a character took a place within my heart as few characters do, and I love to visit her every now and again to check in and see how life is treating her in the harsh Paleolithic world.

I enjoyed every book in this series, except for  The Shelters of Stone (Earth's Children). I did read it through though, but it's poor plot and excessive repeating of back-story was a major disappointment and left me with a sour taste in my mouth regarding the series. But don't let that hold you back from reading the first four!

RECOMMENDATIONS: Fans of fantasy and early man historicals should enjoy. But I also recommend this to anyone that would enjoy a good epic adventure that has a bit of romance, a lot of action, along with a ton of information that just might school you along the way.

Books in the series:

The Clan Of the Cave BearThe Valley of HorsesThe Mammoth HuntersThe Plains of PassageThe Shelters of Stone (Earth's Children)

Rumors and suppositions regarding Book 6.

There have been tons of rumors flying about the release of a book six in this series. I think like me, Shelters of Stone did not go over very well with it's fans, so Auel might have had to reevaluate her take and publisher on the sixth book. Since 2002 people have been awaiting word on a sixth book, while Auel and her publisher have remained relatively closed lipped. Only stating that she is indeed working on a sixth novel. Yet, does have a Earth's Children Book 6 listed, and low and behold it has a release date of this year - December 31, 2010. And guess what? You can write a review. LOL. Dig into those reviews and you will find that a helpful person has actually listed the actual title and release date of #6. Why they made this soooo hard, I have no clue?

So without further ado:

Release date of March, 29, 2011

The highly anticipated sixth book of Jean Auel's Earth's Children® series, THE LAND OF PAINTED CAVES, is the culmination fans have been waiting for. Continuing the story of Ayla and Jondalar, Auel combines her brilliant narrative skills and appealing characters with a remarkable re-creation of the way life was lived more than 25,000 years ago. THE LAND OF PAINTED CAVES is an exquisite achievement by one of the world's most beloved authors.

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Samantha R. said...

I read the first book a couple of years ago and just this past year read the second one. They're pretty good, but they take a while for me to get through. The second one had so much sex!

Aimee said...

I love this series, although I have to agree with you on the last one. I finished reading it & basically felt like, what just happened?
As far as the next book in the series, I'll believe it when I'm actually holding it in my hands. Until then, I won't hold my breath.

Jackie said...

Rachel, sorry to hear about your book loss at the hands of the wonderful catastrophe that was Katrina, can see why you would still be sniffling!

This is my favorite series probably of any ever written and it is a fantastical representation of the pre-historic life that not only proves that Jean Auel had a heck of an imagination but an adventurous soul as well!

jackie b central texas

Beverly said...

I love this series - read it when I was a teenager and can't believe there is to be another one! I have the DVD of Clan of the Cave Bear - it's not as good as the book, but I thought it would be fun to have the movie since I loved the book. I will have to re-read them all before the next one comes out!

Anonymous said...

I adore the Earth Children's Series. I have read all of them, except for Shelter of Stone(I didn't know about it!). I have to get that one.

Kate said...

I have an award for ya: I Just Wanna Sit Here and Read!

hotcha12 said...


Unknown said...

I remember this series. I've read the first 2-3 books (can't remember exactly) in the past and liked it. But couldn't find the subsequent books so I had to give up on it. Thanks for the reminder. I'll be putting it back on my wishlist. :-)

TerryLynnJohnson said...

wow! this is a blast from the past. My absolutely fav book when I was young was Valley of the Horses. This is a delightful shock to learn about the 6th book. thank you!

Tara SG (25 Hour Books) said...

I've heard of these and I think my mom might have them (and borrowing books isn't against my book ban!). I'll have to ask her about them this weekend :)

Alyssa Kirk said...

I haven't read this but my mom said it was good!

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