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Hello CSN...

The lovely people at CSN have contacted me because they know I have a problem.... too many books, yet not enough shelves. I have books stacked next to my bed, I have books on the coffee table. I have books on top of the aquarium... I've even gotten to leaving books at my work.

Where was I? Oh, yes CSNStores. I know you've seen them around the bloggyverse. The problem is, that they just don't sell bookshelves, so I'm conflicted. I was distracted by their bedroom furniture sets, they have this platform bed number... and then I was distracted by their children's toys, Anya needs to get organized also.... so much to choose from. But, of course, I couldn't review a sectional sofa on a book blog. LOL. Or could I???? I know has been all over our little world...anyone have a suggestion or recommendation?


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