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PJVs QUICKIE POV: Never has a series touched me like The Hunger Games series. Every moment, every heart ache, every bit of dialogue is real. The characters reactions, moments of clarity, moments of insanity, pain, loss, love, hate, anger, hurt, even their drug induced stupors are real, real real.
Parajunkee loved this book? Real.
REVIEW: The culmination of Katniss' adventure comes to an end in the 3rd installment of The Hunger Games, Mockingjay
Within the confines of District 13 she finds no solace at the heart of the rebellion. She is torn between a multitude of emotions, to give in, to flee, to take too many pills, to hide --- but most of all she is driven by revenge and an underlying love that she is unable to define herself. She knows she has to see this to the end, she must kill Snow, she must protect Peeta and her family. If that means sacrificing herself, well so-be-it. From Katniss' POV she has no future, the pain is just too great, the nightmares just too real, she doesn't see an end to the pain.

Read the books. If you haven't read the series, you really should. This isn't a Twilight phenom, these are really good books, with awesome plots, great characters and should go down as one of the best YA series ever. This is, this generations Wrinkle in Time type series.
RECOMMENDATION: Fans of Ender's Game - this is a must read. Westerfeld's The Uglies - must read. YA fans, dystopian fans, people that don't even know what dystopian means...who cares, find out what it means by reading this book. Adults, older teens, men, women - it is cross-generational, cross-gender and cross species {mutants might be offended with the mutt talk though}. There is a lot of violence though, so I would stick with older teens, or mature younger ones.

Yes! I'm so glad to see another great review! So many people disliked this book, but I thought it was completely fitting due to the events that happened throughout. Brilliant review :)
Great review. I really have so many mixed feelings and it depends what day you ask me as to how I'll feel about the whole thing.
There are so many reviews coming out about this book and I refuse to read them until after I read the book. I can't wait!
I agree, it was amazing and you're right, so REAL. I think that's why some people didn't like it. Too real. I think I know the book-throwing deceptive moment you're talking about. I read that page 10 times before I forced myself to take a breath and keep reading.
I've read a lot of Mockingjay reviews and this is one of my favorites. I love your "recommendation" section. I loved this book, too. Real or not real? Definitely real. (:
Sweet review...I didnt want to read any of them until I was finished with mine and I used the PEETA button...:D The scene when we learn he was fighting with himself....funny...the end what he whispers....(mmm me shivering...)
Extremely well written review. Really captured the angst that a reader feels when they are so invested in a series.
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