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Three Days to Dead by Kelly Meding

BWB Adult review seleciton

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Three Days to Dead by Kelly Meding

PJVs QUICKIE POV: The anticipation of this book was better than the actual experience. I was really looking forward to reading this one - probably the chick on the cover and that knife, she looks like she could kick my butt. Unfortunately expectations and delivery just didn't match and while Meding thought up a great Urban Fantasy world that was quite intense and had some good intricacies - it was just that her characters left me lacking because of the lack of emotional connections. It felt more like a recitation of facts and occurrences and not a story in the first person perspective.

REVIEW: In the world where Evangeline Stone lives there are goblins, vampires and halfies, along with a lot more creatures that go bump in the night. They hide themselves from the human population in general - but their is a group that knows of their existence and police them with ruthless justice and sadistic penalties. Evy is a part of the group, her team is called a Triad. It is made up of three "agents" and one handler. She loves her job, she's a killer, but from her perspective it is the right thing to do. Everything was on track in her violent life - until she has to kill her teammate and then ends up on the slab in the someone else's body with just three days to live.

So begin's Chalice/Evy's fight for survival and attempt at proving herself innocent of her teammates death. It is a wild ride with monsters, vampires and trolls coming from all angles. There is even a smidge of romance thrown into the mix.  It had all the potential to be a very hard hitting, nail biting Urban Fantasy but to me it just fell flat.

My first take on the staleness of the novel was Wyatt the handler and romantic interest #1. He was a total pansy - which didn't have me liking him much. And what guy would have done this to his "girl"? Sell his free will for three more days with his dead love? That just struck me as completely selfish, moronic and irresponsible.

Then there was the weird Chalice might still be there or some kind of weird body memory that had her clinging to Alex and hot in the pants for Wyatt. It was odd, what was that about? I wanted to slap Evy for even going back to Alex - how could she have done that to him? That just struck me as selfish, moronic and irresponsible. For such a tough chick, you sure don't like to be alone - so you have to ruin someone's life completely just to have Yeah, basically this book was about two really freaking selfish people doing screwed up things that could put the entire world in jeopardy.


I really was hoping by the end that one of them would have just killed themselves - you know last unselfish act and all that.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Adults only, has a lot of nasty themes. Violence, rape, sexual encounters, cursing. This one reminded me of Kelly Gay's Better Part of Darkness, with the ridiculously strong female character and the woosified male characters.


Angela Tolsma said...

I love the cover!

Anonymous said...

That review was so snarky.. I love it when you get angry at your books...:)

Anonymous said...

Cover looks great. Too bad the book sounds like that is the best part of it. Love the honesty in your reviews :-)

Stephanie G
Paranormal Haven

Missie, The Unread Reader said...

I'm sorry this didn't work out for you. I have to agree about the cover; the chick looks like a real bad-ass.

A lack emotional connection always turns me off. And a pansy romantic lead? Oh no! Just sounds all wrong.

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