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Parajunkee After Hours Review: Torn by K.D. King

Genre: Erotica, Science Fiction Romance
Fantasy Element: Space
Series: Unknown
Order Online: | Red Sage Publishing
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A sexy little scifi number that had all the good romantic flavoring that should be included in an erotic piece. The plot was well formed, the background story was intense and the romance was well…romantic. It was really surprisingly well done for such a short novella. I wouldn't think you could fit such a robust tale into 60 pages. But it was done, and done well. King's TORN had me wanting my own glowing soul mate and a pair of combat boots to stomp on anyone that got in my way.

Anaria Okam, daughter of the king of Loden is a warrior. She lives for vengance against the hated Wekari. Ever since the Wekari took her mother and returned her broken, Anaria has lived to break the entire planet. While on a neutral planet, Anaria spots one of her hated enemy...the face of the Wekari, Marshall Kalil Umba. His ship is undetectable a menace to her forces. She must kill him. Just as she closes in on him she literally begins to glow. Glow! And to make matters worse upon looking around the room she realizes that he is glowing also! Knowing when to make a run for it she turns tail and races back to her ship, the glow fades but the mystery doesn't. Why did she glow? 

Kalil on seeing the woman glow, knows the truth of what causes it. She is his mate, he has finally found her. That she is his enemy is of no consequence. He must find her and make her his. While he is hot pursuit of her, Anaria is in pursuit of the truth...when she finally catches up with Kalil, or better yet, he catches up with her, he might have to use more than just words to show her the truth.

Whoa, momma. This little smoking hot science fiction number was everything that a science fiction romance should be. Highly developed worlds, romantic interludes that add to the story, not detract, deeply formed characters and emotional reactions and a lot of action. For about 60 pages this one rocked. I wouldn't have thought it could accomplish such a feat in such a short novella, but it was done and I so desperately wanted to glow after reading...

This is an adults only piece, not for the prudish. It includes intense sexual scenes and bondage. Fans of science fiction romance should enjoy.


Kristen said...

oh my GOOOOOOODDDDNEEESSS! This all sounds extreamly wonderful!

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