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Supernatural Smackdown > Round 3, Day 1 William Maddox vs. Ricardo Sanchez

Home > Supernatural Smackdown > Round 3, Day 1 William Maddox vs. Ricardo Sanchez

Supernatural Smack Down hosted by Dark Faerie Tales & Parajunkee's View Supernatural Smack Down hosted by Dark Faerie Tales & Parajunkee's View

Fighting for the PJV - Jennifer DeLucy's William

William Maddox vs. Ricardo Sanchez

Remember to check out Dark Faerie Tale's Site and choose wisely...tweet out your choice #SuperSmack

Name: William Maddox
Book Series: Light Series Trilogy (Seers of Light, Whisper of Light...soon to be Circle of Light)
Job: Healer/Sentient/Vampire
Height: 6'1
Weight: Svelte
Hair Color: Raven Black
Eye Color: Green as the trees
From (Location): All over.
Significant Other: Lillian Hunt
Signature Move: Repelling/Enthralling (He can send you flying with his energy or control your poor little mind.)
Enemies: Depends on the book. It's an ever evolving process. ;)
Favorite Pastime: Healing things, making love, reading, outdoor adventures.
Other Facts: Sings like a pro, gives hand-gasms, is a total smart-ass
"Do you intend to get any closer or is arm's length the new black?"


"I'm supposed to start with an introduction, but, I'm confused where to begin, because it's hard to say who I am.  I am--or have been--several things, really.  I used to be William Maddox, newfound Sentient and tattered child of the Dust Bowl, but the Vampire race saw to it that my human innocence and my youth was stolen very quickly. Then, I was William Maddox the spirit... the determined spirit waiting for my possessed body to give in and remember the human conscience that had once inhabited it.

Then, I was William the freak.

 You can't imagine the life of a Human Vampire, let alone a Sentient one.  Sure, I have gifts. I can create any emotion in almost anyone.  I can touch you and control your mind. I can touch you and control your body. But forget all of those, because I can heal people, you know. And that has nothing to do with being a Vampire and everything to do with being me.

Where do you fit in when everyone fears you and those who don't fear you pity you?  I was William the reject... and then, thank God, because of her, I was William the man.  I was William the loved.

 But I'm afraid, because the truth is, if it were up to most of them, I'd be William the dead... and while I don't fear dying, I do fear the loss of her, even in transition from one lifetime to another.  For her I've walked among the enemy and called them friend, I've walked among friends who called me enemy.  I would repel an ocean to save her from drowning. For her, I'm William the Sentient. And that is all I really want to be.

So, why am I here? I suppose it's twofold. First, I admit that I'm a sucker for love. I'll take it where I can get it and you can blame my mother for that.  I remember her very well, even though she died before I was ever human again.  Cora Maddox, her name was.  It's a beautiful name, isn't it? And when she said my name, I heard the love in it. That doesn't happen often for me, nowadays, so by all means, love me, if you're willing.

 But also, and more than that, I'm here for you. Because my people and I have a story to tell, a message to share about you. It's about the veil that covers our human eyes, the one that keeps people firmly rooted to the limits of the ground, though they're perfectly capable of flying.  Technically, I'm not supposed to be saying these things, since Sentients and Seers have rules (and rules, and rules... the whole thing is out of control, if you ask me), but a wise Seer once told me that a seed planted is a forest, one day, and I want to believe him.  Your path is priceless. Your fate is yours and it's the only thing that will ever make you happy. You shouldn't settle for anything less. I refuse to settle for anything less. Hiding from your truth will only chain you to a place you've already been.

Some think I'm weak, because I fight with tact. I fight with patience. I fight with something bigger than me in mind. And if I ever take a life, I fight with the knowledge that it's the only option I have.  It's fun to show off once in a while, don't get me wrong, but I think my abilities are better spent in bed than in battle. Power is useless if it's only for show. I've reined in my strength to fool the monsters who thought me like them. I've slept and walked with them. I've watched them feed and borne their stench. I've stood, again and again, at the precipice of instant death and all to save my own kind. Maybe that makes me a bad-ass, maybe it makes me a fool. But as long as it meant a day closer to my humanity, I was willing.

 If you want to know who I am, you have to understand the many parts. Because we're more than just the skin and bones and glue that holds us together. Like anyone, I'm a lot of things to a lot of people. It depends on who you ask. My question is, who am I to you? I guess you'll have to follow my story and find out.

Be well,

William Maddox

Win an ebook pack of Seers of Light and the sequel Whisper of Light!!! Comment to win - just fill out the rafflecopter widget!

Lillian Hunt has never truly lived.  Always sensing more to the world than is easily perceived, she fears that her instincts are stubborn flights of fancy, or worse, mental instability.  But some things—disappearing strangers, tangible dreams, and visits from malevolent creatures—cannot be ignored.  Before it's too late, Lillian is ripped from the only existence she’s ever known and thrust into a reality that she always suspected, but could scarcely believe.  She must learn the truth about who she is, the powerful beings that wish to destroy her, and the two men who would die to protect her.

Jennifer DeLucy has created a unique, enchanting tale of destiny and the ageless power of love in her debut novel, Seers of Light.  DeLucy's novel charms readers with quirky characters, while sketching a haunting portrait of one woman's journey on the path of the supernaturally gifted. But be prepared.  Once you've entered the world of Seers, you will never be the same.

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Supernatural Smack Down hosted by Dark Faerie Tales and Parajunkee's View


Irene Jackson said...

I voted for William of course :)

Nicki Elson said...

How could I not vote for William after that beautiful testament to who he is? Handsome and poetic...*sigh*...doesn't get much more powerful than that.

Anonymous said...

Awesome entry into the contest. :o)

Mare/TommyGirl said...

Loved the entry and it was hard to choose, but William's entry was so wonderful. So I had to go with him!

Brenda D. said...

Wow,after reading that how could you not vote for william? I can't wait to read this!Thanks for the giveaways!

Na S. said...

I find seers really interesting to read about.

Rain Maiden said...

I'm new to this series but it sounds great. William has my vote, thanks for the giveaway!

Vivien said...

I voted for William :)

Unknown said...

I voted for Ricardo. The Han Solo comparison got me.

ML said...

I voted for Ricardo, but it was a close vote for me.

mljfoland AT hotmail DOT com

Cathy De Los Santos said...

voted for william

In Julie's Opinion said...

I voted for William!

Anonymous said...

A great giveaway - the books sound fascinating.

Mickie T
mdturett at juno dot com

K.C. Neal said...

Woo hoo! Sweet giveaway! The Han Solo thing? Yes please!

K.C. Neal
Author of Pyxis (reserve an ARC at my blog!) at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Of course I voted for William because he's... well... William!

erin said...

This book sounds fantastic! thanks for the great post and giveaway!

Tahlia Newland said...

I've already got the ebooks, so I don't need to enter the giveaway, but I just thought I'd say that I voted for William because he is an awesome character. Once of my favourites. Better than Jace - he doesn't whine.

Michelle said...

I voted for William Maddox

winnie said...

Voted for Ricardo


Onge said...

William got my vote!

Jen B. said...

I had to vote for Ricardo Sanchez today! Thanks for the giveaway!

Aydrea said...

I voted for William!

Sharon Stogner said...

William cause I am a sucker for raven black hair ;)

Denise Z said...

I voted for William, even before I knew he was watching :) Thanks for the fun.

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