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Supernatural Smackdown > Round 3, Day 4 Shadowman vs. Gabriel Makos

Home > Supernatural Smackdown > Round 3, Day 4 Shadowman vs. Gabriel Makos

Supernatural Smack Down hosted by Dark Faerie Tales & Parajunkee's View Supernatural Smack Down hosted by Dark Faerie Tales & Parajunkee's View

Fighting for the PJV - Erin Kellison's Shadowman

Shadowman vs. Gabriel Makos

Remember to check out Dark Faerie Tale's Site and choose wisely...tweet out your choice #SuperSmack

Name: Shadowman  
Book Series: Shadow series
Job: Grim Reaper, Courier of souls from the mortal world to the afterlife, Dark Lord of the Fae
Height: Varies (6’4” in my favored incarnation)
Weight: Weightless or (260 in my favored incarnation)
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black
From (Location): Twilight, the realm of the fae
Significant Other: Kathleen O’Brien
Signature Move: Cutting sweep of my scythe
Kill Highlights: Too many to name; I am Death
Enemies: Angels
Favorite Pastime: Watching over Kathleen
Other Facts: None can defeat me

Why do you summon me here to this, this… smackdown? Fools. I am Shadowman, also Thanatos. I am the Grim Reaper, the stealer of souls. What folly do you seek by treating with Death? Did you want to meet me so soon?
Come closer so that you can be duly “smacked” and I can get on with my work. For my love is trapped in Hell and I am forging a Gate to that fell place to fetch her back. So what if devils might course into the mortal world? So what if the angels cannot hold them back? What justice is there that my bright Kathleen is sent to Hell for a crime I committed?

None. So damn the angels and their Order. I’m for Hell and my Kathleen.
I am pouring my fae magic into this wrought iron atrocity, barbed and terrible. And every strike of this hammer bears my rage, my sorrow, and my terror. I forge these strange flowers to adorn the gate—each with three petals folded over its core, as I would protect her soul in that darkness. It’s my hope that she will endure a little longer until I can come for her.

Kathleen knows something of endurance. She battled her failing heart all her life, and I her constant companion on the other side of the veil, waiting for the moment when that organ would fail and I would finally take her.

But she held on and mastered herself. She cheated Fate for years with her iron will. She gleamed bright as Shadow encroached upon her life. And then there was that night, that most criminal night, when fae and mortal sought to touch.

My memories come thick and true before the fire-hazed smoke of my forge. Kathleen, bidding me to cross the boundary between Twilight and mortality. Kathleen, asking me to look at her painting and tell her if she captured any of the magic of faerie in her landscape.

Reader, I was afraid to cross. I, who have looked upon horror and tragedy well beyond your understanding, was afraid to reveal myself to her. You see, for all my power—and it is vast, humanity has some over me as well. I appear in the form that the mortal conceives Death. If Death is a monster, I will take the shape of your deepest fear. If Death is a friend, I will hold out my hand to help you cross.

Kathleen saw in me, her long attendant on the other side of the veil, sweet Shadow, a lover. She made me beautiful and strong, large everywhere, for her pleasure. I’d never known the beat, the want, of carnal desire, but I felt it rise with her heat.

I sundered the boundary between our worlds to come to her. I, not Kathleen. I trespassed and she is in Hell.

There is no justice.

So let us finish this smacking business and I will get on with my own.
I cannot be killed, so don’t even try. I’m made of deepest Shadow. I am Shadow, which is magic. I’ve visited every battle field, presided over every war. I’ve faced hosts of angels, their blades shining, but not even they could harry Death.

I know every weapon ever conceived, and none can match my scythe. No, I do not carry my scythe now. I have abandoned it for the hammer made by the angels. Ironic, I know. But have no fear: This weapon can do dark work, too. Come, and you will see. But select very carefully your line of attack. I have seen and defeated them all because for time immemorial humans have attempted to fight Death, fight the cross into Twilight and Beyond. If you are fortunate enough to land a blow, even one through the heart, or if you should, perchance, take off my head, be apprised that Shadow will only reform me, and instantly. I cannot die. I am Death.

But today I am busy, so come forth, be smacked. I will make quick work of you. Kathleen is waiting.

They haunt the halls of the Segue Institute, terrifying the living, refusing to cross over. But one soul is driven by a very different force.
It survives even death. And Kathleen O'Brien swore she would return to those she was forced to leave too soon.
He broke every rule to have her in life; now he will defy the angels to find her in death.
The Gate
Forging it is his single hope of being reunited with his beloved, but through it an abomination enters the world. Leaving a trail of blood and violence, the devil hunts her too. Pursued through realms of bright fantasy and dark reality, Kathleen is about to be taken...

Erin Kellison is the author of the Shadow Series, which includes Shadow Bound and Shadow Fall, as well as the upcoming Shadowman (Sept 2011), and the e-novella Shadow Touch (June 2011). Stories have always been a central part of Erin's life. She attempted her first book in sixth grade, a dark fantasy adventure, and she still has those early hand-written chapters. She graduated summa cum laude with a degree in English Language and Literature and went on for a masters in Cultural Anthropology, focusing on oral storytelling. When she had children, nothing scared her anymore, so her focus shifted to writing fiction.

Win Shadow Bound, Shadow Fall, and Shadowman!
International Giveaway.
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Supernatural Smack Down hosted by Dark Faerie Tales and Parajunkee's View


Sebella Blue said...

I loved Erin's first two Shadow books and have been waiting for Shadowman. He started it all, that cheeky buggar.


Anonymous said...

Great entry. :o)

Cool giveaway, too. said...

Nice review. This is my first time hearing about this series. I like the fighting/rumble theme you have going on. Very entertaining. Great giveaway as well. Thanks.

Susan N. said...

Shadowman is so going to win this smackdown!!!

Crazy Book Slut said...


Shrouded Heart said...

I'm with Shadowman all the way!

erin said...

Awesome post! I've had this series on my wishlist for a loooong time and I can't wait to start it. I just got book 1 for my kindle, but I love print copies too and I don't mind dups :)

Bex said...

Lol, apparently I followed everyone else's votes and also picked Shadowman! ;)

Unknown said...

I haven't heard about this series before, but it sounds super interesting! Loved the smack down button! ;)

Hot Off the Shelves said...

Some more from the wishlist. I went against the trend and didn't vote for Shadowman.

Michelle said...

I voted for Shadowman

Na S. said...

I am looking forward to this series! My vote went to Shadowman.

elaing8 said...

I voted for Shadowman.

Anonymous said...

I've got to admit that when Death is one of the contestants, it pretty much doesn't matter who the other one is...

I really liked the other two Shadow books, and am looking forward to this one.

Mickie T
mdturett at juno dot com

Vivien said...

Voted for Shadowman :)

Vivien said...

Crap I clicked Done too soon.... But I am a GFC follower as Vivien :)

deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

Rain Maiden said...

The Shadowman has my vote. I would not want to cross him. Thanks for the giveaway, I have Shadow Bound on my wish list.

Barb P said...

Wow, the Shadowman has earned my vote. The series sounds great, count me in!

ML said...

Voted for Shadowman. Haven't checked out the series yet, but the covers are stunning!

mljfoland AT hotmail DOT com

Mary Preston said...

I HAD to vote for SHADOWMAN. Just HAD to.


Brenda Demko said...

I have to put this series on my to be read pile. I hate to admit that I've never heard of this author or series before. I intend to make up for it now! However, I am voting for Gabriel. He seems to be the underdog and someone has to vote for him =)!!!

Barbara E. said...

I voted for Shadowman because I think he deserved my vote.

The More the Merrier said...

I voted for Shadowman I haven't read this series yet but he has an awesome name.

Victoria Zumbrum said...

I voted for Shadowman.

babysaffron said...

Hi....this is series will be next in line....

Pabkins said...

I love the covers and who could resist a name like Shadowman? (hey thats the name of the bad guy in Disney's Frog Prince...I watch too many cartoons hah!)

Unknown said...

I voted for Shadowman.

JenM said...

How can you possibly vote against Death? Of course I voted for Shadowman.

Jen B. said...

I am so glad Rafflecopter works on this site! I voted for Shadowman!

Jen D. @ Not Now...I'm Reading! said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway. My vote's going to the Shadowman.

In Julie's Opinion said...

I voted for Shadowman of course!

Michelle O'Boyle said...

I voted for Shadowman too!

Bethany C. said...

I voted for Gabriel. Please don't come for me Shadowman...


TinaLynnReads said...

I voted Gabriel!! This series is amazing!!


Chelsea B said...

Shadowman for the win!

Tina W said...

I voted for Shadowman! I've actually never heard of these books, but now I'm stoked to read them!!

Denise Z said...

I had to vote for Shadowman, cause I really, really need to read about him LOL Thank you for the fun:)

Jasmine1485 said...

I voted for Shadowman :)

kate1485 at

Aimee said...

I haven't heard of this series before, it sounds interesting! Thanks for the giveaway!

Amy said...

I've been looking for these books everywhere! Thanks for the givewaway! I also voted for Shadowman!

Scrumptious Reading said...

Shadowman to win!

melissa said...

all this battling and the hunk of a chunk button i love it! - epic


mel91284 at yahoo dot com

Jess said...

My vote's for Shadowman. I've heard amazing things about this series.

Amy said...

Come on of course I had voted for Shadowman! I'm glad to see he won. Love this series.

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