It seems in Ohio a teen was charged for murder; beating and stabbing an older boy that he lured to his home. Supposedly, two adult male lovers who claim they are vampires (the sparkling variety is undisclosed) claimed they used the boy to lure the victim.
In Des Moines, Iowa in March, 2009, a 13 year old boy bit 11 classmates. The Des Moines Register reported that the boy bit the classmates over several days. When a classmate reported the attacks, the boy's father claimed the boy didn't mean to hurt anybody and was inspired by the movie Twilight. – OMG!
Twilight is also being blamed for young girls running off and getting married right out of high school. One blogger even stated that teenagers should not be reading this book because it promotes girls to change themselves for a boy and run off with them at a moments notice and get married.
There has even been some hinting that the rise in young people’s divorce rate is because of the Twilight phenomenon. That these young women wouldn’t have married the “wrong” man if it weren’t for Edward’s insistence on marriage.
My response to that is, shouldn’t it be a good thing that he didn’t want to sleep with her until her got married? People are never satisfied.
To take it one step further Twilight is now being blamed for corrupting the youth. Carrying an abusive message. The article even described the books as a positive depiction of an abusive relationship – and despite the mediocre writing, the popularity of the books is extremely dangerous to children. The columnist states that the books desensitize a generation of readers to abuse, that Bella is subjected to a litany of abuses and not only accepts it, but finds it romantic.
Direct quote from article: “People are able to buy shower curtains with Robert Pattinson’s face on them (as Edward). This way, Edward’s rapist’s eyes will always be there, after a long shower. Watching.”
He also goes on to state that Edward being permanently 17 is legally under the age of marriage – and then to switch it around, he is actually 104 and she 19 at marriage – so that it is quite unsettling. Make up your mind hun - is she taking advantage of a teenage boy or is he an old fart going after a young girl??? You can't have both sides of the coin.
The series is also being blamed for "romantic masturbation" and teen runaways. I just had to read on for this article…
What is Romantic Masturbation you might ask? Well according to The Vanguard, University of South Alabama, sitting around with your girlfriends and discussing Twilight, reading articles concerning Twilight and watching interviews of the cast is just that – masturbation. Well peeps I guess we are engaging in Romantic Masturbation now – yuck stop staring at me it’s freakin’ me out!
I just had to post this because this was just straight up insane – from a boy who believes that Stephanie Meyer emasculated vampires:
Post Title: Twilight stole my girlfriend and ruined the economy
“Women all over Australia were reading the books, not just once but several times. Husbands and boyfriends were being ignored, children being neglected; houses dirty and clothes weren’t being washed. Twilight was responsible for relationship problems and break ups, responsible for a drop in sales of cleaning products and wholesome food and has now been blamed for the demise of the economy. Men all over Australia weren’t getting the attention they deserved and went elsewhere on the search for non-geeky, non-book worm, socially intelligent woman who lived in the real world. Pregnancy numbers dropped due to the lack of sex being offered by the female readers. When sex did occur, 90% of the time it had a hasty end, because no one likes being called by another vampire’s name. Only couples whose husbands names were Edward survived and managed to have children. Nurse Meyer has pushed the poison from the syringe and it had just entered our blood stream, the worst was still to come.”
Then the grand finale: The Twilight series is the death of literature as we know it. - Touted on facebook posts worldwide.
So I leave you with this happy bit of knowledge. Books and Movies are like ice-cream everyone has their flavor. I personally like chocolate chip cookie dough. That particular flavor might personally disgust you. Does that mean that chocolate chip cookie dough is the cause of Global Warming? No. It means don't buy chocolate chip cookie dough!
When anything new and popular comes out the haters come a-callin'. I wasn't around, but could you imagine the blog posts that would be streaming with Elvis hate? What about the Beatles? Bring it back to books, blog posts concerning Jack Kerouac? I'm not comparing these greats to Twilight or Stephanie Meyer. I know the Twilight Series are not great works of literature to be hoisted up there with Shakespeare and Poe. Just recognize them for what they are. Books. Entertainment. And anything that gets two 13 years olds discussing a book on the playground, instead of Real World or I love New York or something raunchy, has my vote. Call me a Twitard all you want... but my vote goes to Edward instead of Flavor Flav, PS3s, Wiis, the list can go on and on.

What the hell is wrong with people? GAH
seriously what is happening with the world? Some people are just ridiculous.
Kudos on Flava Flav (ewww)
What a load of crap! It's amazing how people love to blame other things or people for their own mistakes.
Amen on your final comment. I couldn't agree more.
People love to have something to blame things o
I blame it for being a rubbish book. I don't think it gives good role models but at the end of the day if kids want to kill other kids they will always find a reason. I remember the fuss about vampire killings when I was a teen, seems it rolls around every few years.
Can't blame a book or a band or tv show for peoples choices.
Great Post, people always have to have something to blame things on it couldn't be lack of parental and or adult supervision that causes some of these problems it has to be the latest crazy of the day (twilight)
I have made it known around the blogosphere that I am not a great lover of Twilight but I have read them, seen the movies. I also think that just like with the Harry Potter crazy, the twilight crazy will die off as well.
Then the next cool book crazy comes out and it will be mayhem all over again because they cause some kid to go of and do something (couldn't be his upbringing or anything)
People are just plain insane! Crazy!
We live in a fabulous world- nobody has to be responsible for anything they do, ever! We have all kinds of things to blame our problems and poor decisions on.
The misogyny that is RAMPANT in those quotes you cited personally disgusts me. It isn't a person's inability to take responsibility for personal behavior that's the problem, oh no, it's other people (read: wives and girlfriends) decisions to do something with time that doesn't directly benefit their personal Tarzan that's the issue. I have a strange feeling that this guy's number of fulfilling relationships aren't numbering all that high; hey, having a partner who dictates how you spend your free time is considered an abusive relationship, isn't it?
I've got no love for Twilight but I don't really think the issue is about Twilight at all. It's about people's relationship with mediocrity- if we've got a society where people are perpetrating horrible crimes against each other or not connecting to each other in a fulfilling and meaningful way, it's probably not a four book series that's to blame.
Amen my sistas...
I love love love this post! Romantic Masturbation! So funny! I completely agree with you. I personally hear people say all the time "I started reading again because of Twilight." If this gets tweens and teens to read and not do irrepressible things it has my vote.
A while back people were kicking up a big fuss because they released some of the classics(I know Wuthering Heights was one)with a caption on the cover that said Bella & Edwards favorite book. People said it had no place there and they were ruining the classics. WTF? You know how many Twihards probably read those books just because of that. If you gets people to read the classics what's wrong with that?
This is so stupid! I'm no twihard and I like poking fun at the books (it's true that they're no literary masterpieces...) but I wouldn't go so far as to say that it's ruining people's lives. Those people that fall under the spell are just very impressionable (or plain idiotic).
And the sad part is that the majority of people who claim to hate Twilight so much have never read the books or saw the movies. They hate Twilight because trashing on it is just as, if not more, popular than actually liking.
I'm a really big fan, so I get quite furious when I hear about things like that. I've lent my paperback copy of Twilight out to so many non-readers who were so skeptical about actually taking the time to read it. They're now regular customers at their book stores.
Like you said, Twilight is just a book. And if any other book in the world would've gotten as popular as it did, people would STILL find things to pick out and make a fuss about. I wish these people would just grow up.
Oh yeah, and side note- Romantic Masturbation would be an excellent blog name. Someone should see if it's available!
LOL, hilarious. Eh, Romantic Masturbation and rapist eyes on shower curtains... Personally, I agree with pirate penguin here and say these people are simply a BIT crazy.
And, as for Twilight itself, when it first came out I was a diehard fan for it, but then it became popular and by now, I'm just so over it. I would have preferred that Twilight never became this popular, so as to save me from realizing all the flaws and allow me to just enjoy this book for what it is - an (orginally) enjoyable book.
Gosh, some people are NEVER satisfied and are ALWAYS looking for something new to blame things on. It's so easy to do. I mean, we could say that Severus Snape is the reason why some guys don't wash their hair, or that Bilbo encourages young people to runaway from their houses without any shoes on. I for instance smoke too much because of Alice's caterpillar. Shame on you, Lewis Carroll ! :)
dude, i love your cookie-dough example. this was a great post!!!
I'm with you 100%. I'm not an obsessed fan and I didn't even like one of the Twilight books but blaming entertainment for problems is just retarded. Twilight is much better than some of that stupid junk out there!
Wow. I was speechless when I read Alyssa's post but now I'm just shocked. It's just a book people. It reminds me of when The Da Vinci Code came out in theaters and how people were protesting it, saying it to be "Anti-Christ". Again, it's just a movie. Just something that entertains and people enjoy. I'm not sure why people can't just accept that and just agree to disagree, and then respect someone else's choice for loving something they don't.
P.S. No wonder that guys from Austrailia doesn't have a meaningful relationship. What a pig.
P.P.S. My favorite ice cream is chocolate chip cookie dough too. Yummy!
I agree it is so annoying. I've actually seen a blog that basis there whole rating and review system on Twilight, with the lowest rating being just liek twilight. I mean if you dont liek the book, okay I get it. Dont have to blame it for evrything bad thats goin on. Whats next. global warning. And poor Stephenie Meyer, all she did was write a book she wanted to write about, now everyone is blaming her. She didnt do anyhting and neither did her books. Parajunkie this is a really great post and it was a post well needed to be read by a lot of people out there!!!
Rapist shower curtains? Lol. I have to agree that Robert Pattinson creeps me out every once in awhile, but rapist shower curtains? SERIOUSLY?
I've never been a hardcore Twilight fan, I'll admit that. There are good parts of the series (ex: I love the character of Jacob), and parts that annoyed me so much that I could write an entire blog post on them (Breaking Dawn). But regardless of my own opinions, not every book is for everyone, and book bashing just for the sake of book bashing is a little petty and immature in my opinion. Despite what Twilight haters say, Stephenie Meyer deserves props for being able to write a series that has brought the youth of the world back to libraries and bookstores. That's amazing in itself.
As for "Twilight-inspired crimes," I just can't believe people would even consider blaming a book for that. People are people. They make their own decisions and are responsible for them. Period. Stephenie Meyer or the Twilight saga are by no means responsible. When will people stop blaming everything else for problems that develop within their own homes?
I guess all us book bloggers have been romantic masterbaters for a long time! Ha!
The best part of this whole discussion is one major point made in the post by Parajunkee, the youth of America have been truly motivated by the writings of Stephanie Meyer to go back to bookstores and the library and read. People reading, writing and arithmetic are basic principles that younger generations are lacking in because of Video Games and other things that have taken away from doing homework and just sitting in a corner with a good book. I say even reading a comic book is better than all the reality tv shows and the other garbage that is out there for public consumption on a daily basis. I am not nor will ever be a Twilight fan, but have watched the 1st 2 movies and enjoyed them for what they are meant to be, entertainment. Movies, books, music lyrics, TV shows etc are not meant to be the parameters by which we live our lives and the hate mongers out there who say that people do this or that because of them are just a wee bit challenged in the common sense area. I am and always will be a firm believer in this, everyone no matter what their beliefs or age they need to take full responsibility for all actions good or bad. We make our own conscious choices every day and they are not being forced on us at gunpoint, so own up and the people out there rallying to find more haters for things like Twilight please grow up and get a life.... I think maybe need to sign off and let someone else take a shot at this one....
Jackie B Central Texas
Great post! I'm so glad you came up with the idea or this- I had more fun than I should have reading it ;]
Wow, I think people are taking this book a little too seriously. I wonder what the next big book craze will be...
Don't forget the promotion of heroin!
All of this is pretty funny. Blaming a piece of literature, film, or music is always going to be part of certain people's agenda. I just roll my eyes and enjoy my brain candy!
Romantic Masterbaters? I learned something new today!
this is crazy that's all you say to this !!
I lost it on Romantic Masturbation. Hilarious. I think some of these people are literally spouting nonsense hoping to ride the tailwinds of a popular book, series, movie. The more insane the claim the more notoriety they get. Which is really sad if you think about it. They crave attention to such a degree, they end up spouting nonsense and looking like ignorant fools. Great post. (Hugs)Indigo
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I agree totally with you! People just don't seem to know who or what to blame..
What if that boy has read Dracula too? Are they going to blame it too?
But what left me speechless is what the australian boy says. I don't know how are things there but its the more chouvanistic I have heard in a while..
Man, have you tried to wash your own clothes ot why don't you go shopping? You are not going to die or something..
If I had a nickel for every time someone blamed a movie, book, and/or video game for someone's actions, I'd be rich. And if I were rich I'd buy you a green dress, but not a real green dress, that's cruel.
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