So this is who nominated me for this award:
Sagi's Randomness
Escape Through the Pages
Extreme Reader
Thanks a bunch you beautiful people you, I sooo appreciate it.
Here is whom I am spreading the love to:
Nominees (7):
Melissa @ My World
Jackie @ Book Whisperer
Tina @ TinasBookReviews
Jessica @ Jessica's Vision
Sandy @ Pirate Penguin
Lily @ Lily's Bookshelf
I ♥ Book Gossip
Here are the details:
Well, the Honest Scrap works like this. I will list 10 true things about myself and then tag 7 more blogs to go through the process. Here are my 10 trues:
- I live right side outside of New Orleans along the Mississippi River. I have a love/hate relationship with my town.
- I am very political - I have to bite my tongue from spouting off all the time. If I didn't have a book blog it would probably be a political rant blog
- I have never stepped foot in a public school - untill college. I stopped going to school with boys in the 8th grade. College was akward, I actually had to wear make-up to class!
- I curse like a sailor (or maybe an airmen - was in the USAF), I am constantly embarresing myself by dropping the F bomb. Yet, I use big words alot, so combindations of s*** and supercilious in a conversation
- Yet... because I read so much and try to use my words, I haven't heard them pronounced so I usually pronounce things wrong. Which cracks me up.
- I don't get embaressed easily
- I'm mad at my dog and cat right now because they both pooped on the floor yesterday
- I feel guilty because a vendor took me out to lunch today and we are probably going with her competitor.
- I don't know what to get my mother-in-law for christmas
- I have 5 tattoos - guess where??? Oh and BTW I didn't know what a tramp stamp was until about 5 years later. I wish someone would have told me something then.

Hilarious. Thank you for the award.... Get this I learn what a tramp stamp was from a 12 year old about three years ago. Is that not terrible, and I am only 27....
ha .. that is hilarious I too didn't know what that was till i was 21 and I'm now 24 thanks so much for the award Rachy ;)
I love your answers... the one about your dog and cat are hilarious. My dog is the same way, but my cats are generally good about that.
I have 3 tattoos myself and yes I have a tramp stamp. But in my defense I got it 14 years ago before it became known as such! I just got my last one a few months ago and I love all of them! Everyone always says you will regret those when you get old- well I am 36 and no regrets yet! You totally deserve this award!!! :)
Kudos to
#4- I curse like a lot too only I do not use big words like you, which makes me just plain potty mouth. LOL
#5 - tell me about it! one of our friend is a word and promounication geek of some sort and everytime I mispronounce something cracks up first then tell me how it's pronounced.
I love reading your post and funny and it's always truthful.
Congrats on the award! And love your 10 truths!
Congrats!! And, lol, nice. I tend to use s*** quite often, but that's about it. And, wow, no public school until college? Sounds like a huge change.
Congratulations! Based on your schooling I'm guessing you grew up here and are not a transplant?
I'm bad about #5 so I usually don't say much (but I'm thinking it!).
Great list - totally cracked me up!
These are great! I got a chuckle on pronouncing the words just a little off. Only because I do that all the time my self ~ even on words I do know I still say wrong. lol!
Thanks for the award I am working on coming up with 10 things. These are hard to do when you start thinking on it.
I loved reading about you! Your answers sound allot like me.
I think I'm going to make it my New Year's resolution to stop cursing.
(Never mind that it's the same resolution as last years0 ;)
Thank you for the award! :) I'm with Juju-reading about your ten truths were fun. <3
Congrats to you and your nominees. Great choices! I too had fun reading your honest things. So glad you picked book blogging. We would have missed you!
I'm curious about what your tattoos are of. And, I was wondering about the tramp stamp...I'm clueless. What is that?
I almost got a tramp-stamp (before I knew what it was). I saw a really cool frog tattoo and wanted to put it there but decided not to. I have 3 tatts :D
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