Spawned from the Big Sis, Little Blog program, Book Blogging 101 was born. Do you have a question? Leave it in the comments section or email me parajunkee at gmail dot com
I'm trying to download the forums from a Ning site started for the Little Blog program. So I will be posting these frequently.
Q. How do I get my hands on an ARC?
The desperate pursuit of ARCs, the veritable pot of gold for some book bloggers, seems to be a big question for start-up bloggers. Even if you don't really care about an ARC to hear some bloggers hype them up, almost gets you excited and in desperate need of one.
For some books, there are a ton of ARCs floating around, for others there are just a few coveted versions. Doling out those ARCs is usually up to the publisher, PR person/Media agency or author. Some publishers seem to do a lot of ARCs, some hardly any. It is really up in the air.
A good way to win/receive ARCs is through Goodreads.com & Library Thing. I like Goodreads because you just press a button and it enters you into the contest.
Another way is to contact authors and/or publishers and request a review copy of an upcoming book. Always be professional and courteous. The author or publisher does not owe you anything, so remember that when you are requesting the book. Also make sure it is a book you are truly interested in, and just not chasing it because of hype.
One time a WOW helped me receive and ARC. (Waiting on Wednesday). The author must have been google searching their book and thanked me for my interest and offered me a copy. Very cool. A good way to get your WOWs out there are to publish the link to your post on twitter and facebook. Make sure you use hashtags and maybe even direct the post to the author's name.
Do your research on books, check if the author is on Twitter. Send the tweet out with the Book Name & the author's twitter name, i.e.:
Waiting on Wednesday @Parajunkee. Vampires & Starbucks: A Love Story by @TSuckie - I so wanna read this book! http://tinyurl.182930129.com
Just remember, ARCs are hard to come by, so don't be disappointed when you don't get your hands on one. My first ARC was won from another book blogger, second one from Goodreads. Most of them are from NetGalley.com (see Iron Daughter review also today)

More Questions & Chime Ins from the Big Sis, Little Blog program Ning Site:
Chime In (thanks Emily):
I want to recommend netgalley.com as a way to get ARCs as well, for free! They are all digital copies of the books so there is that as a drawback if you don't like reading on screen, but if you put your reviews on the netgalley site once they're finished, publishers actually do read them. I submitted a review for a book I really didn't care for at all and, because I was one of the first 25 people to submit a review or whatever, Harlequin sent me a prize pack with some pretty cool books in it. Sign up is free and I just use my blog information as my company information.
Q (from DaisyChainBooks)
I was lucky enough to get some ARC's through a waiting on Wednesday I did a while back. The author and publisher contacted me about it, so I haven't actually gone about contacting anybody myself yet. One thing I am wondering though, is this : are your statistics -number of visitors etc very important in getting ARC's? I ask because I came across a blog which is pretty new (maybe less than a month, and with not many followers) and yet, they are always talking about the ARC's they receive! This is just a general enquiry from me. They are obviously putting themselves out there and contacting authors and publishers, but up until I came across this blog, I thought that only the more established blogs with lots of followers would get ARC's.
A. I have only gotten a few ARCs from publishers/publicist - all of which contacted me directly. I believe that it is mostly because of the amount of followers that I have now, because it just started happening recently. I think you might have some better luck with direct contact.
I think a lot of ARC "getting" happens through contests, ARC tours, Library Things, etc., especially for smaller blogs. And who knows, they may be on Netgalley.com and they are digital galleys.
I've been wanting to do a WOW, but haven't been able to make it where I can be consistent enough to get a regular WOW out there. Maybe once in a while might be okay. I have heard others getting books this way.
I agree and also want to reinforce that you should only ask for those books you want. Especially at Goodreads and LibraryThing. They give it for the express purpose for a review. If you don't review it, you may not get another chance at another book. They also state this when you sign up for a book.
Great post!
Awesome post! Great info and I'll have to start posting my Wishlist regularly :) Thanks again!
In answer to the ARC question. There may be another way that the new blogger was getting ARCs. As a librarian, I on occasion receive ARCs from our library's book vendors. I was getting these long before I started blogging. Most of the time they are not the big "waiting for" titles, but on occasion I will get one that makes me squeal with excitement.
This is a great post! I love that you made it a little more explanatory than just flat out saying it's not possible to get them, end of story. It does take some work, but it's possible. But like you said, it definitely helps to be professional, because what publisher is going to want some bratty reader reviewing their book? I don't know of too many.
Thanks so much! Great post!
Another good place to start is with Booksneeze ...http://www.booksneeze.com/
They ask for a review on your blog and one on a commercial site like amazon.
@Melissa - things like WOWs and other memes do them when you feel like it, or when the day is available. If I have a Wednesday open I stick a WOW in there, if not, I wait until the next day. I read a WOW today on Pirate's blog... said something else was planned for Wed. so they posted it today. You make the rules, it is your blog!
@Mel - yes, very true. Also book store owners get ARCs also, so therefor, the employees might get their hands on some. The used bookstore I frequent got a ARC of Angelology 1 month before I did.
@The1st - Thanks! ARCs are out there, you just have to look for them. Down with bratty readers...LOL
@Barry - I'm going to have to go check out Booksneeze right now. TY!
Ok duh. I'm already signed up for Booksneeze - but they are kind of limited in their selections, so I forgot about them.
Net Galley looks great, but I don't have an e-reader and I can't read a whole book on screen. Just can't do it! Also, I've been on librarything for ages, but those early review books are never available for Ireland. Boo!
Good Information here. Thanks Rachel now know about a few more places to scout out... Not really into the whole ARC craze but glad to see there is a way to get digital versions to read if I would care to, just still love my "books in my hand" kind of a gal!!!
jackie b central texas
Thanks for the info! :) I've pretty much given up on getting an ARC on anything. In general, I just wait for the books to come out and purchase them.
Great info and advice :)
I've received a couple of books through GoodReads so far and I only joined last December, so I was quite surprised and pleased.
How/where do you find contests on goodreads and library thing?
Thank you for this series of posts!! Very useful.
I like reading the WOW's and thought of doing one. But afraid I wouldn't have books to do on a Wend. I will have to start doing them. :) And I have had one time recently I mentioned a new release and received a copy of the book from the author for review. Hmmm. Thanks!
Another way I have found to receive arc's or even copies at time of release is to be out there in different areas; Twitter, Facebook, and like you mentioned Goodreads and Library Thing. Twitter has been a big connection for me, although I really could do it more (if I only didn't have this thing during the day called work). Thanks!
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