Spawned from the Big Sis, Little Blog program, Book Blogging 101 was born. Do you have a question? Leave it in the comments section or email me parajunkee at gmail dot com
Q. What is a Blog Tour?
A Blog Tour is a virtual tour that an author or book takes throughout the bloggyverse. Basically a group of bloggers participate on a given day and feature a book or an author. They usually occur around the time of a book release, or a rerelease.
Hosting a Tour:
If you decide to host a tour, most likely you will be provided with a date that they author would like to stop by. You are working with the author's timeline, because the best blog tours have author participation. But not all do. Sometimes publishers will just provide you with a book, and ask you to do the review on a certain day. They might also offer books for giveaway.
The Purpose Of A Blog Tour
A blog tour is used for virile marketing. When the bloggyverse starts discussing a certain book, it takes off and sooner or later everyone is talking and commenting about that particular book. Authors like doing tours, because it is relatively inexpensive and it gets their title out there.
What you need to know to host a successful blog tour.
- Keep an open line of communication with the PR person, or the author that is coordinating.
- Promote the tour in advance
- Use google calendar or other Coming Soon gadgets to show that the tour is coming soon
- Don't be afraid to ask for a giveaway copy
- Don't be afraid to ask if the author will participate in the tour by replying to comments that day

Questions and Chime Ins from the Big Sis, Little Blog Ning Site:
Chime in (Thanks Tina!) Ever wonder where to sign up for current tours around the blog world......
Here is a small list of Tour Sites and links. If you know of Tour Blogs or would like to share info add to the list......
1. One ARC Tour *Canada, and US*
2. Around The World ToursAKA- Princess Bookie Tours/ Very Organized- Strict Policy and first come first serve basis
3. Borrow My ARC Tour
4. Traveling ARC Tours
5. Peace, Love and Pat ARC Tour
6. International Book Tours **
Open to all bloggers
7. Book It Forward ARC Tours
*US only*
9. Other Shelf Tours
Well Organized- YA Books Only
10. TLC Book Tours
TLC is one of the harder ones to get involved in as they pick you not them........but they also have great tours for book clubs if you have a personal group you meet with.
11. Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
And for everyone who likes Christian Fiction, this is another very organized site, which you get excepted into after approval.
Chime In:
I have participated in:
Goddess Fish Blog Tours
Other Shelf Tours
Great list, thanks.
Great explanation! I had heard about blog tours, but wasn't really sure what they were about. Thanks!
I can definitely vouch for Other Shelf Tours, One Arc Tours, and Around the World Tours. Cindy at Around the World Tours does an excellent job keeping everything running smoothly and I've discovered a lot of good books this way.
Traveling Arc Tours is amazing. The bloggers running it are committed and very organized. Along with being very understanding if something comes up.
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