Book Synopsis:
Imagining vampires at the heart of the social struggles of 1920s, Moonshine blends a tempestuous romance with dramatic historical fiction, populated by a lively mythology inhabiting the gritty New York City streets Zephyr Hollis is an underfed, overzealous social activist who teaches night school to the underprivileged of the Lower East Side. Strapped for cash, Zephyr agrees to help a student, the mysterious Amir, who proposes she use her charity worker cover to bring down a notorious vampire mob boss. What he doesn’t tell her is why. Soon enough she’s tutoring a child criminal with an angelic voice, dodging vampires high on a new blood-based street drug, and trying to determine the real reason behind Amir’s request—not to mention attempting to resist his dark, inhuman charm.
About the Author:
ALAYA JOHNSON is a recent Columbia graduate, and denizen of New York City.
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Moonshine: A Novel
Review copy provided by BooksAnd Virtual Book Tour Coordinator
. Released May 11, 2010
I glanced at the band and finished my triumphant high note just as they cut out. Smiling, (seductively and serenely, not like a giddy five-year-old), I turned back to the audience.
And there he was, lounging in the front row in a fashionably ostentatious tuxedo with knee-length tails, a patterned red handkerchief and patent-leather shoes, smiling up at me as thought I hadn't last seen him with a blood-mad child vampire slung over his shoulder. And though I'd been looking for him all day, I realized that the sight of him lounging so casually made my latent stage fright roar like a cronered lion. He nodded at me.
Oh, blood stakes.
The next few numbers had a bit more bite.
PJVs QUICKIE POV: Sucked in from the onset, I fell instantly in awe of the singing vampire suffragette, Zephyr Hollis and her world of out of the coffin, vamps that have inalienable rights just like any other person. I find my fascination didn't end with the character of Ms. Hollis though, it also extended to her dashing counterpart Amir and her charming friends, Lily, Iris and Aileen. Johnson definitely has a knack for character creation. Paired with the strong 3 dimensional characters was also a very staccato and fun tone that was reminiscent of the Gail Carriger's Parasol Protectorate series. Moonshine is a keeper, and I hope to revisit the world Johnson created over and over again.
REVIEW: Zephyr Hollis has had quite an interesting couple of days. First she finds a dead child in an alley and hides him away before the authorities can stake him and cut off his head. Then she finds herself in the employ of one very mysterious and gloriously sexy Amir. It is not just a casual endeavor either, she has to track down the notorious Rinaldo, vampire and mob boss, so Amir can do, God knows what to him. With a crazy new drug on the street, marketed to vamps only, and human and vamp relations hanging by a tenuous thread, Zephyr must track down Rinaldo and still try to keep her head at the same time.
Charming and engrossing, Moonshine is a must read. Unlike most historicals, Moonshine puts you within the moment, engages in witty and dated dialogue without you even realizing and gives you a small history lesson at the same time, without of course, being too obtrusive. I think I learned 10 new ways to say drunk. Fun. I'd like to call this the historical that isn't all stuffy and swarthy like most historicals.
RECOMMENDATIONS: Adult novel, for mature readers. Fans of Carriger's The Parasol Protectorate will enjoy.

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- Giveaway ends June 7th, 2010
- Question for comments: If vampires existed would you fight for their rights as "people" or do you think they should be discriminated against?
Vampires are simply afflicted with a terrible virus! Not unlike lepers, vampires require protection under Human Rights laws just as anyone else suffering from an incurable disease!
Well, I have to ask myself if a family member became a vamp how would I treat them? No different.
Vamps would be expected to follow societal rules. If they acted like crazed parasites, killing their "food" measures would be taken, of course. But everyone deserves a chance, and equal rights seem like a given.
I think that, if vampires existed, that they would be treated as an addict. Maybe there could be blood banks where they could go every time they needed a "fix"--Kinda like a methadone clinic. I don't think that vampires (or people for that matter) should be killed just because they endanger others. And, as we've read in some of our awesome paranormal (romantic and otherwise) lit, vampires can do a lot of good and are amazing kissers! Paranormal lit could be used to prove just how innocent and good-natured vampires can be. I'd like to see the Supreme Court call Stephenie Meyer as a star witness!
I would definitely fight for their rights. They are people too! Just because they need blood to survive does not mean they are monsters. If certain measures are taken, we could easily live side by side.
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pirate_pony2 at yahoo dot com
I would fight for there rights so they wont bite me. Just kidding.
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If vampires are as human as those in the Twilight series (just watched the 2nd film this weekend!) then I will definitely fight for their rights and probably end up falling in love with one of them!
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Cheers :)
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ambience.of.rain {at}
That's a hard question because it depends on a lot of things. Are they immediately turned evil when they become vampires (like in Buffy)? Or do they keep their humanity & just require blood to survive? I'd be a bit more stringent in laws on the first type, but either way, I'd think there would need to be some vampire-specific laws to help keep peace. On the other hand, should they vote? Own property? Be able to work for a living? Well, yes, of course!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I would fight for their rights. Many other predator eat humans. Sharks, bears, wolves, but it doesn't change the right to protect them. If they were put on this earth, it would be for a reason. HOPEFULLY they would drink donated blood or animal blood...or even true blood! :)
Cool, if it is recommended to Carriger lovers then I will keep this one in mind
Who am I to discriminate? As long as they abide by laws like everyone else then they should have the same rights as everyone else. So, yes, I would fight for their rights.
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throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Yes I'd help fight for their rights. As long as they were following all the rules just like everyone else has to then I say let them be.
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Stephanie G
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As long as vampires weren't going around killing everyone, I would definetly fight for their rights.
I follow through Google. Now, the vampire discrimination thing would entirely depend on whether said vampires had souls (or whatever equivalent) and were basically the same people they were before (except with a propensity to suck blood) - OR whether they basically became demons (a la Buffy the Vampire Slayer). If they were still "human," discrimination would be wrong. But if they were ~ demons, that would be a tougher choice.
I suppose it comes down to which mythology you choose to believe in.
- Rebecca
The book sound very interesting, great review. I'd definitely fight for their rights but somehow I'm not sure if that would be necessary. ;-)
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Would I fight for their rights? Most are stronger and live longer in most UF stories, so we may be fighting for our own rights. ;)
I follow through google and this sounds like an interesting book.
Please count me in. Thanks for the chance. I follow on Google friend connect.
I would depend on what "type" of vampire they were whether or not they deserve rights. If they were the "vegetarian" type, I would say yes.
lizzi0915 at aol dot com
As a human, no longer at the top of the food chain... I would discriminate.
mdwartistry at yahoo dot com
I would probably fight for their rights if they needed me (though I doubt they will). Looks like a great book. I follow through GFC. Thank you!
I would so fight for their rights, I mean they may not be considered people like we are but I think they still should have a chance at some normalcy. Great question!
Rachel first let me say that as a first book in a new series this story sounds very intriguing and thanks for alerting me to the author and what would probably be a very captivating read! I am a long time follower with GFC, have you on my sidebar blog roll, your button is on my scroller and so forth and so on...
Vampires to my mind first off are mythical creatures, if they were however real they would deserve to have "rights" just like a human being as long as the vampire in question understood those rights included being punished for their misdeeds just like a human being would when caught committing a crime. IE, sure I would fight for their rights, do not discriminate against any functioning being on the planet now so vamps would be no different...
jackie b central texas
I would probably turn Vamp, then discriminate against the humans. LOL! ;)
Great review and giveaway!
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I would fight for their rights. Your book sounds really good. Great interview.
Sue B
They should have the same rights and laws that we do- they couldn't go around killing people. I am a follower, and a email subscriber.
Hmmm VERY good question. I'd say - I'd treat them as people - if society could change the rules. Could you imagine the changes needed? Losing your right when you die -- now we have to change laws to cover the "dead" who! Talk about world-building :)
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I think that I would fight for vampire rights, unless they were all evil.
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I'm a GFC follower.
I'm intrigued by the time period of this story and I would definitely help fight for vampire's rights. As a disabled person who experiences discrimantion, I would do everything I could to help them be treated justly.
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
This sounds great! I hadn't heard of this book before today, so thanks for giving us a heads up!
I would have to fight for vampire rights. Not a big fan of discrimination. :)
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If they're using like bloodbanks okay
If they're nawing on people, nope, nuh-uh.
Vampires are people too!!! Even if they don't have a heart beat.
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jellybelly82158 at gmail dot com
If vampires existed, I think I'd fight for their rights as "people," as long as they were worth fighting for.
Moonshine sounds like a fabulous story, I'm eager to check it out.
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This is a great book thus far for me and my first vampire book ever. I'm on Chapter 5 and it is great. I can't say I will be reading too many more vampire books but due to Alaya's character creation, I look forward to reading more about Z & her love. Now let me go and finish this book. Thanks again for hosting.
Vampires in the roaring 20s sounds wicked. You've got me interested.
As far as your question, I'm not sure I would fight for their lives. It depends on their nature. Are we talking "30 Days of Night" humans-taste-like-chicken vampires? I-only-kill-when-I-lose-control Twilight series vampires? Or hell-no-to-thin-human-blood Black Dagger Brotherhood vampires?
Thing is, I love steak, but I don't want to be on someone else's plate.
I guess it depends- if these vampires is going to try to eat me then nope, they're totally on their own. If they do the juice box thing then we just have a dietary difference.
Sounds like a great book!
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To me vampires would be people in one way or another, so I would still believe we needed to be humane to them and treat them appropriately.
I would fight for their rights if they needed someone to fight for their cause.
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sounds like a good book
I would fight for them to have rights. As long as moral laws govern them I would see no reason to discriminate.
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robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
Foremost, no one should be discriminated against. That being said, I'm sure you can what my answer would be...yep, fight for vamp rights!
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Im a follower. As long as they follow society's rules and try to coexist with humans, they deserve to have rights too.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
Set in the 1920's? This is one of my favorite time periods but you don't see many books written about that time, I'm looking forward to reading this!
Would I discriminate? Nah, I'd say equal rights all the way, as long as provisions are written for feeding rules.
i would fight for their rights.
-U.S, Blog follower.
As long as they follow the same moral code as humans, I see no reason why they shouldn't be treated just like everyone else. I probably wouldn't go out and fight for their rights, but I'd certainly vote in favor of equal protection.
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jen at delux dot com
This book sounds really good. Please enter me. I'm a google follower. juliecookies(at)
Well, I think if it's like in True Blood and the vamps can have their own drink that keeps them from being evil and killing humans, then perhaps we can share the world. Otherwise, they will of course be discriminated against since they have to murder for food.
GFC follower.
Alaya's book sounds very interesting. As far as rights for vampires, it would depend on them understanding they can't attack humans.
Well, being a huge fan of the SVM series (and of vampires), I'd have to say, I'd fight for vampire rights! That is of course if they are the actual sex gods as they are usually portrayed as. LOL!
And, hopefully you know I'm a faithful follower! Through feedburner, google and twitter!
Of course because no one should be discriminated based on a pulse everyone has a the right to live. Who are we to judge someone base on a pulse now if the vampire was bad then yeah they should kill it but if it's a vampire who dosn;t bother anyone why would someone try to harm him/her.
I guess as long as they abided by the laws like everyone else they'd deserve rights just like humans.
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If vampires existed I would fight for their rights. They would need to have laws like we do.
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I would fight for their rights-- they might be a different kind of "people," but they exist with us nonetheless. =)
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I don't believe in any form of discrimination, why should vampires be any different? So yes, I would fight for their equal rights.
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Well, if they promised not to eat me, I would be happy to fight for their rights. Live and let live, I say.
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I say, give vampire equal rights, though I know they would be discriminated and blamed for everything!
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Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com
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I would fight for their rights.
Sounds good. I may just have to check this one out. Side note:I mostly love the romance novels, but lately YA and UF are a real nice change. From what I understand, you aren't to keen on the romance stuff. Now I know where to go to get my "other kind" of paranormal fix. Thanks for the tip!!
If vampires existed, they should have the same rights as anyone else and the same laws should be obeyed by them. Kill someone and they have to pay the price.
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I would like to enter. If vampires existed they should be treated just like everyone else.
I've always loved vampires so I'd probably fight for their rights. I'm a follower (Google Friend)
Vampires need love too, I'd fight for their rights as people, of course. :)
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If vampires existed I would definitely fight for their rights as people.
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