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Feral Hunger By Stephanie Bedwell-Grime

Feral Hunger
How did PJ get this book?


Samhain Publishing

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Feral Hunger
By Stephanie Bedwell-Grime

PJVs QUICKIE POV: I went on a Samhain Publishing kick this week and thoroughly enjoyed my visit. I do have to say, though, Feral Hunger wasn't the most enjoyable book that I've gotten from this publisher. While entertaining and different, I think I might have enjoyed this one more if it was a full length.

REVIEW: The fang feature in this little novella is a vamp by the name of Vlad. Yep. Oh, well his real name is Leslie, but what kind of vampire name is Leslie. Vlad is just hanging out in his penthouse apartment, stuffed full of black drapes, leather sofas, dripping candelabras and double-wide, satin trimmed coffins, when a body is dumped on his doorstep.

Neck ripped out, Vlad drags the busty blond inside his home because of fear of being blamed. The woman is still alive, but barely. Vlad, with an uncharacteristic show of conscious, decides to convert the woman to save her life. Even more uncharacteristically, Vlad agrees to help the woman discover who her attacker was and school her in the ways of the vampire.

This was enjoyable, the character of Vlad/Leslie was a bit out-the-box. He wasn't your usual primal, male, vamp. I liked how Grime stepped up that characters difference. The writing was also well done and the tone light where it needed to be, and dark at times. I will be exploring more of Grime's writing.

What I didn't like about the book was the female character, Jaelyn, more really, I didn't really get to know her. But, in a short story, this wasn't that big of deal. Along with this not knowing the heroine, I found that I didn't feel the "love" connection, just the "lust" connection.

This is short read, and a very cheap listing, on for $2.00 here. I love a good book deal!

RECOMMENDATIONS: Adults only, this is PNR, not erotica, even though it might be mistaken for the sexy genre. Fan of vamps might like to explore this one.


Jennifer said...

Dropping back in from the hop and follow Friday. When it comes to short stories it really is hard to connect with some of the characters and at times they kinda leave you hanging. I enjoy the occasional short story/novella when my time is really limited.

Old follower. Have a great weekend.

M. McGriff said...

I know I like a story that leaves me hanging but not at the expense of not getting to know a character. But then again, that can prove to be very hard for a novella...

Thanks for the review! I need to get back into the reading side of life so I may keep this one in mind!

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