PJV's Week 1 Follow Friday. I'm hitting the "A"s
A Bitch, A Blog & A Bookshelf ~Follow~
All Things Urban Fantasy ~Follow~
Amberkatze's Book Blog ~Follow~
Anna's Book Blog ~Follow~
On another note, inspired by a song, and the fact that I have been wanting to give my avatar a bit of depth, instead of the flat vector that it has been...I've redone my blog. Please let me know what you think, honestly. Also if it is loading slow. I think my internet is acting quirky...or I hope it is because everything is loading slow for me tonight. There is a poll in the sidebar if you would like to be anonymous.
I have also added a new button. My old button is still available, so nothing will change, but if you would like to grab the new one, please do...and let me know we can do a button exchange.

Personally, I really like the new layout/avatar. It's very paranormal-y. : )
And no, the page isn't loading slow for me.
Thanks Jess. That is why I changed it. I thought the initial design concept that I came up was too chick lit. When I really don't read cutesy or chick lit stuff. Now I just need to grow my real hair out that long. ♥ Parajunkee
I love your new blog design it so cute!!
Oooo I'm loving the new layout! Thanks for the linkage. I follow you too. :)
Love the new look! :) Switched out the old button for a new one! I'd be honored if you displayed mine! :)
Wow, gorgeous! The new design is stunning! :D
Love the new design/avatar! Has an air of mystique I adore.
& The page loads fine over my end. ;)
So cool! LOve the new design!
This looks great! No problems loading the page and I replaced the old button with the new one.
Thanks everyone. Really appreciate the compliments.
@Patti - I just realized I needed to update yours!
My first thouhgt was "Ooh I love this new layout!" I love your new avatar. Great work! Now to go check those new blogs :)
Wow, your new design in gorgeous. I love it, it's really cool.
Fabulous design as always! I get so excited when I see you've got something new. :D
I love the new header and avatar. How did you get the buttons to scroll????
I love love love love I cant say it enough love!!! the new layout. Especially for the color scheme, all my favorite colors. And fits the whole paranormalness of your blog, and the avatar is great too!!!
Since you asked . . . the design is gorgeous, but it takes longer to load for me. (Not that I'm complaining or anything; just giving feedback!)
As for your new avatar . . . Well, the old one was friendlier, but pretty generic. This one is scarier (!), but more memorable and really helps your "branding" as a reviewer of Paranormal books. =)
I hope this helps!
I ADORE your new layout! It's got much more of a paranormal feel!
Ooooh I love me some compliments I feel like a prissy girl in a pretty new dress, fishing for compliments. Hee. Thanks so much guys.
@Emily thanks that's like the best compliment, ever.
@Tina - you can write the CSS for the rollovers right in a widget - you can't use the automatic page ones thought that blogger has.
@iluv - TY that is exactly what I was going for. No more cute and cuddly for this chick. LOL
@Enbrethiliel - You rock, thanks, that was the kind of feedback I was looking for. It does seem to take a bit longer for me to (loading). I'll have to do something about the file sizes. I hope I don't scare away an followers with my creepy girl. Can I ask what the +JMJ+ means BTW? It might be a duh questions though.
@Natalie - Thanks so much!
Totally loving this layout! Definitely Paranmormal. (Hugs)Indigo
I really like this idea of the follow Fridays, going down through the alphabet.
I also have to say, I LOVE This new blog look! It is great!
I love the new layout and design!! I'm also interested to see who someone I'm stalking stalks :)
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