Hi welcome to Follow Friday! Let me tell you what is going on today. First PJV will be featuring one blogger from this great community each Friday along with having the Follow My Book Blog feature. Each week one blogger will be selected as a feature, so sign up for the Follow Feature.
PJVs Friday Featured Blog
The Unread Reader
As a kid, I read all the time, and I was even a 'library helper,' you know, where you get to school early just to help put books back in their place. I remember being so proud to have been picked for the job from a group of willing volunteers. But in high school and college, I lost touch with reading for pleasure; if it wasn't 'required reading' I didn't have time for it. There was even a period in my life when I was studying so much that I actually considered reading as being stressful. Once I finished my graduate degree, I wanted a break from anything having to do with words on paper. But slowly, I started picking up books again. All kinds of books, a variety of genres, and I realized how much I missed reading and how much I enjoyed it.
After that, I felt so unread and decided I wanted to do something about it. So I jumped back into reading with a renewed passion by joining a local book club and even taking some literature courses. Now that I've learned more, I feel like there is nothing I won't try when it comes to genres. Yes, I love and probably even favor PNR and UF, but I also really like non fiction, contemporary, YA, mystery, humor, and of course, I can't forget the classics. Now it feels like with each book I read, I'm developing relationships with stories, some meaningful, some as a passing fancy, and I'm loving it!
To join the fun and make now book blogger friends, just follow these simple rules:
- Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Host { Parajunkee.com } and any one else you want to follow on the list
- Follow our Featured Bloggers - www.theunreadreader.com
- Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing.
- Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments
- Follow Follow Follow as many as you can
- If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers
- If you want to show the link list, just follow the link below the entries and copy and paste it within your post!
Happy Follow Friday!
Missie!!!! YAY!!! Great to see you here hon! =)))
smooches to you both ladies!
Happy Friday!
happy friday and already follow MUAH :)
opps, Did I link myself twice. Gah! I'm so fail. So sorry.
Parajunkee!!! I can't stop saying Thank You! I'm so grateful!
*TX sized hugs*
Thanks again! I love this feature!!
i just wanted to let people know that there is now OFFICALLY a VAMPIRE ACADEMY MOVIE! The website it made by the movie producers!!
these books are the amazing,
here is the url
lurve you're website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks so much for hosting this every week. I love both your blog (your designs are so amazing) and Follow Friday!
Your Blogging 101 posts really helped my as I´m a very new blogger! I´m already following you and stopping by regularly!
Have a great weekend!
Happy weekend once again!
This is my first time taking part in this great new meme. Hope to find lots of new blogs to follow!
I'm so happy Missie's blog is the feature one! She is awesome and I love her dearly!
Thanks Parajunkee!
My goal today is to check out and follow all of the blogs linked here. I have managed to do that so far! 41 and counting!
See you ladies around!
VampAngel's Reviews: To Read or Not To Read It? That is The Question
Great Post and SUper Blog Missie, I have been on board since my first Hop!Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust
Hi Para! Been a follower for a while now!
You can find me at The Nerd's Wife.
Happy Friday!
aka The Nerd's Wife
Well, I'm tired! I have been to all 101 blogs that have entered so far. I think I'm aso following them all. Some didn't have google connect though. I had been slacking in the last 2 Follow Friday's I entered, so today I went to work. It was a lot of fun!
I plan on visiting all the blogs that join, so I
ll be checking back to make sure I don't miss anyone!
Thanks again Rachel! I can't wait for next week! ;)
VampAngel's Reviews: To Read or Not To Read It? That is The Question
Wow! This is great! Thanks for hosting this Blog Hop. I'm following you and I'm off to visit the rest of the blogs...
I really love your blog design. I'm also a fan of Paranormal and Urban Fantasy! So glad I found your blog.
Always enjoy the hop! Thanks for the fun!
Thank you so much for stopping by the Hen HOuse today! You have to go to NYC when you can. We live about an hour away, so it is nice to visit, but when you can get a chance I know you will have so much fun! Have a great night!
Mama Hen
Yay! I managed to visit all 106 blogs!
VampAngel's Reviews: To Read or Not To Read It? That is The Question
Oh dear. I just realized that while I discovered & followed this blog last evening through the Hop, I never commented to say hi & how much I appreciate your blog.
I am a bad, bad person -- and it is no longer Friday, but I decided I would say hi since by rights I found you through BH/FF. So, apologies for the late post.
And I DO appreciate your blog. I'm a very new blogger, and this site is amazingly helpful -- and genuinely nice.
Thank you very much!
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